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City Council meeting of April 4, 1994 <br />Page 4 <br />24. The developer shall permit access to the referenced site for periodic <br />inspections to assure conformance with the special conditions. <br />25. All drainage and erosion control methods proposed for this <br />development shall be completed prior to the City accepting the <br />roadway or public improvements serving said development. <br />26. Legal descriptions of all parcels to be subdivided shall be included. <br />27. Copy of the current Army Corps of Engineers permit for this project <br />shall be provided to the City. <br />28. Obtain necessary Rice Creek: Watershed District permits required for <br />this project. <br />29. The City is in receipt of a letter from the DNF dated February 14, <br />1994, regarding the amended plat. Any approval provided this plat <br />will be conditioned upon compliance with the DNR's permitting <br />process. Any correspondence regarding the National Pollution <br />Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit should be provided to the <br />City. <br />30. A revised permit will be necessary for access to Trunk: Highway 61 <br />from MNDOT. <br />31. City Ordinance 290-7, Subd. A (3) (e), requires a utility plan be <br />provided to the City. <br />32. Rename Fiona Ave., from Trunk:. Highway 61 to Fiona Circle as 136th St. <br />33. Use of the soil from the ponds being created along Trunk. Highway 61 <br />to create a berm along Block: 2 of the State highway will provide a <br />buffer benefitting the neighborhood. A common landscaping plan for <br />the bermed area would enhance the appearance of the subdivision and <br />should be considered by the developer. <br />34. Delineate the boundaries of the 100 year flood plain in the <br />development area in order to ensure compliance with the City's flood <br />plain ordinance. <br />35. A large wetland area, unusable for building, be platted as Outlot A, <br />and dedicated to the City for public use. <br />36. Lot 6, Block: 1 will not be developed until the temporary cul-de-sac <br />on 137th Street is vacated. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Brunotte, LerOUX.. Miron <br />VOTING NAY: Stolt man <br />Motion Carried. <br />Mayor Stolt man stated that he voted against the subdivision because of <br />possible negative effect on downstream property owners. <br />SURD I V I S l:('.]N APPLICATION _ .( wH i -[F....._BEAR -MEADOW a ) <br />Mr. Jack:. K:ornovich, 11499 Martin Street NUJ, Coon Rapids, MN., has made <br />application to subdivide approximately 21 acres located in the NE quadrant <br />of 140th Street and Fenway Avenue, into 51 single family residential lots. <br />In addition, he has requested a variance to Hugo City Code to allow the <br />creation of 10 double -frontage lots along the MWCC sewer line. The <br />Planning Commission considered their request on 3/23/94, and a motion to <br />approve the plat, with the conditions, failed to pass on a tie vote. The <br />PC then voted to send the preliminary plat to the Council. without a <br />recommendation. Two issues of special concern were the traffic impacts of <br />the development on 140th Street over the railroad tracks to Trunk: Highway <br />61, and the MWCC trunk: interceptor easement along Lots 8-17, Block 1, of <br />the proposed subdivision. <br />