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City Council meeting of April 4, 1994 <br />Page 5 <br />Following the FC meeting, the developer indicated he would be agreeable to <br />the City ordering a traffic assessment of 140th Street, which would be <br />billed against the developer's escrow account. In regard to the MWCC <br />easement, the PC felt that, if possible, it would be preferable to move <br />the Fenway Avenue easement to coincide with the MWCC's easement. Fenway <br />Avenue should be considered as a future collector street for the area, and <br />an 80' easement should be obtained for the roadway, as it abuts against <br />the subdivision. This would also remove the need for a variance for <br />double-frontage lots according to City code. Also, it would be in the <br />City's interest to insure that the lots abutting Fenway Avenue have a <br />usable rear yard, including a location for screening vegetation between <br />the MWCC easement and Fenway Avenue, as well as location for accessory <br />buildings and uses. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to table action on the preliminary <br />plat in order to allow the City's engineer time to complete a <br />traffic-impact analysis, and assess the need for additional access to the <br />development from the north, at the developer's expense. <br />All. aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mayor Stolt man felt it would be a good idea to document the types of <br />businesses being conducted adjacent to the proposed subdivision, in the <br />event of future complaints. <br />PETITION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW (WOODS OF BALD EAGLE) <br />The City of Hugo and the Environmental Quality Board have received a <br />petition from home owners located in the vicinity of the proposed Woods of <br />Bald Eagle subdivision requesting preparation of an Environmental <br />Worksheet for the proposed development. The letter from the EQB outlines <br />the process to be followed by the City in determining whether or not an <br />EAW should be required for this project. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to table action on the petition until <br />April 14, 1994, to allow an EAW be completed by Mr. Pete Willenbring of <br />OSM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS VACANCY <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to appoint Andrew Goiffon to Board of <br />Toning Adjustments, for a term to E:cl::)ire 12/31/94. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FEASIBILITY REPORT___J_E G(3 LA E _ROAD _U-I_ I L I TY EX-1 - ENS I ON ) <br />Eric Wharton, representing k::uusisto Engineering, was present to explain <br />and answer questions regarding the feasibility report for extension of <br />sewer and water utilities along Egg Lake Road to Goodview Avenue. <br />