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City Council meeting of April 18, 1994 <br />Page 3 <br />IMPROVEMENT PETITION (FARNHAM AVENUE <br />Mr. Dan Eldridge, 5212 130th Street, and Judd Jackson, 5118 130th Street, <br />have submitted a petition under Chapter 429 for the improvement of Farnham <br />Avenue from the north line of 130th Street to the north line of Parcel <br />93030-2010, by construction of bituminous paving, concrete curb and <br />gutter, and municipal sewer and water. Mr. Eldridge and Mr. Jackson own <br />100% of the property abutting the requested improvement. Though a public <br />easement is in existence for a portion of the street, the project amounts <br />to new construction and the developers are requesting the City share in <br />the cost of improving the street. <br />Leroux made motion, Miron seconded, <br />Monday, May 16, 1994, 7:05 PM, for <br />an improvement on Farnham Avenue. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />EAW PETITION (WOODS OF BALD EAGLE) <br />to schedule a public hearing for <br />the purpose of consideration of making <br />The Environmental Quality Board and the City of Hugo have received a <br />petition from property owners adjacent to the proposed development known <br />as WOODS OF BALD EAGLE, asking for the preparation of an Environmental <br />Assessment Worksheet for the project. The Hugo City Council considered <br />the petition on April 4, 1994, and directed the City engineer to review <br />the petition and make a recommendation to the Council whether an EAW is <br />required. A report, prepared by Mr. Peter Willenbring, OSM, was provided <br />to the Council with a recommendation that a discretionary EAW be prepared <br />for this subdivision. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, that the City will require a <br />discretionary EAW for 46 acres proposed for development by Grace <br />Development Corporation, to be known as WOODS OF BALD EAGLE. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />TRAFFIC STUDY (WHITE BEAR MEADOWS) <br />On April 4, 1994, the Council considered a preliminary plat identified as <br />WHITE BEAR MEADOWS. Action on the plat was tabled subject to a traffic <br />engineering study for the development to be performed by the City <br />Engineer. A report on the study was provided to the Council for their <br />review. A lengthy discussion continued relating to drainage and a second <br />access for the project. Developer Jack Kornovich, agreeing that a second <br />access was necessary, suggested that the City approve 25 homes, and when a <br />second access is acquired, approve the balance of the development. <br />Administrator Museus felt that a meeting of two Council members, the <br />developer, the City Engineer, and himself could resolve issues raised by <br />residents and the Council. <br />Leroux made motion, Brunotte seconded, that the City postpone action on <br />WHITE BEAR MEADOWS to allow time for the developer, staff, City engineer, <br />and Council members Barnes and Miron to meet and resolve issues. A <br />recommendation to be provided to the full Council for their approval. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />