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MINUTES OF THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 18, 1994 <br />The regular meeting of the Hugo City Council was called to order by Mayor <br />Stoltzman at 7:04PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Brunotte, Stoltzman, Attorney Galler, Engineer Dresel, <br />Administrator Museus, Carole LaBelle <br />ABSENT: Leroux, Miron <br />Motion made by Barnes, seconded by Brunotte to approve the minutes of July <br />5, 1994, as amended. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Councilmembers Leroux and Miron arrive. <br />Motion made by Brunotte, seconded by Barnes to approve the Minutes of July <br />11, 1994, as amended. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Miron to approve the claims in the <br />amount of $169,299.07. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />VARIANCE REQUEST (LABUDA) <br />Mr. Jerrold Labuda, 4809 180th Street, has requested a variance to <br />construct a 24' x 34''detached accessory building closer to the road than <br />the residence. The present zoning classification of the lot is <br />conservancy, and the parcel consists of five acres. Mr. Labuda has <br />indicated a need for the variance to avoid his septic system and to <br />preserve trees on his property. The proposed accessory building will be <br />located 280' from 180th Street and 145' from the closest side lot line. <br />Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Miron to approve the variance request <br />of Jerrold LaBuda, 4809 180th St., to construct a 24' X 34' detached <br />garage on his property closer to the road than the principal residence. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />1994 GRAVEL BIDS <br />The City of Hugo received one bid for its 1994 road graveling project. <br />The bid was from Valley Paving in the amount of $5.210 per ton. This <br />amounts to a 4% cost increase from the $5.00 per ton paid in 1993. River <br />City Asphalt is a responsible bidder, has performed work for the City <br />before, and the cost is within reason. Staff requests acceptance of the <br />bid, and authority to enter into a contract with Valley Paving for 13,173 <br />tons of Class 5 gravel, at a cost of $68,498. This includes an additional <br />$4,921 for gravel on Henna Avenue and 165th Street, and 170th Street, that <br />the Council had previously expressed an interest in graveling this year. <br />Motion made by Miron, seconded by Brunotte to accept the 1994 gravel bid <br />and direct the staff to enter into an agreement with Valley Paving to <br />provide 13,173 tons of Class 5 gravel in the amount of $68,498.00. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />