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Council Minutes - July 18, 1994 <br />Page 2 <br />DEFIBRILLATOR PURCHASE <br />The Hugo Volunteer Fire Department has received a donation from the Hugo <br />Lions Club for the purchase of a defibrillator for the Department's rescue <br />squad. In order'to use the machine, the Department will require training <br />and certification, as well as access to a medical advisor. The cost of <br />the machine, with a five-year service contract, is $6,179 from Space Labs, <br />Inc., of Redmond, Washington. The training for use of the device will he <br />provided by the St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center for $25.00 per person, or <br />approximately $750.00 for the entire Department. St. Paul Ramsey will <br />also provide a contract to provide a medical advisor for $300.00 per year, <br />which will include "refresher" training for use of the defibrillator. The <br />Fire Department requests approval to purchase the machine, and enter into <br />a contract with the St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center for training and the <br />services of a medical advisor. <br />Administrator Museus stated that there would be no change in the City's <br />insurance because of the purchase of the defibrillator. Ron Gray, 2nd <br />Asst. Chief stated that no new radio equipment would be required for use <br />of the machine and that when the defibrillator was in 4se Hugo contact <br />White Hear Ambulance and they contact Ramsey Hospital. <br />Motion made by Miron, seconded by Brunotte to approve the request of the <br />Hugo Fire Department to purchase a defibrillator in the amount of $6,179, <br />including a five year service contract and enter an agreement with St. <br />Paul Ramsey Medical Center to provide training on the machine for $25.00 <br />per person and provide a medical advisor at a cost of $300.00 per year. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Staff is directed to send a letter of thanks to the Hugo Lions Club for <br />their contribution. <br />ROCK CRUSHER POLICY <br />During the recent renewal of a mining permit, the City Council expressed <br />interest in clarifying the City's policy on the permitting of rock <br />crushers as incidental uses to mining operations. Clarification is <br />necessary regarding certain conflicting City codes. <br />Administrator Museus prepared a resolution establishing a policy for the <br />operation of rock crushers. Attorney Galler stated that any change to the <br />code would have to be done by ordinance. <br />Leroux made motion, seconded by Miron to establish a committee to study <br />the rock crushing problem in the City. <br />AYE: Ler0LAX <br />NAY: Barnes, Hrunotte, Miron, Stolt man <br />Motion failed. <br />