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of the liabilities and dangers of maintaining such animals. <br />Administrator Museus stated he has been in contact with MNDOT regarding <br />the striping} regulation of the stop light and the crosswalk. on Highway 61 <br />and 145th St. They have indicated that final markings and signal <br />regulating would be done in the fall when the last layer of bituminous is <br />installed. <br />Staff was directed to request Washington County to install a "Dead End" <br />sign on Flay Ave. at 147th and children playing signs in the area of the <br />park. <br />Motion made by Barnes, seconded by Leroux to adjourn at 9:37PM. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />&tOZ4-1 OV4.4a�� <br />Carole LaBelle <br />Acting Secretary <br />