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City Council meeting of September 1.9, 1994 <br />Page 4 <br />licenses, the Cit; must provide current license holders 30 days written <br />notice before the hearing may be held on the change. staff recommended <br />the Council establish a public hearing to consider the revised liquor <br />license ordinance on November 7, 1994. <br />Stolt man made motion, Miron seconded, to schedule a publi.c hearing for <br />November- 7, 1994, at 7:05 PM, for the purpose of consideration of a draft <br />revision to the City's liquor license ordinance. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DRAFT ANIMAL_ CONTROL ORDINANCE <br />In April of this year, the Council received a draft animal control. <br />ordinance prepared by the City Attorney. Discussions of this ordinance <br />were delayed due to the potential of including exotic animals in the <br />ordinance. As exotic animals are not to be included .in this ordinance, <br />staff represented this ordinance to the Council for consideration. There <br />was general discussion regarding animal control, and .it was decided to <br />continue discussion of this matter, along with the following service <br />contract matter, at a future meeting. <br />ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICE CONTRACT <br />Since the .1988, the City of Hugo has contracted with Animal. Control. <br />Management., of White Dear Township, for animal control services. This <br />firm w.i.11 no longer be serving the community, as .itos contract has not <br />been renewed by adjacent communities. Mahtomed.i, White .Bear Township, and <br />other nearby communities changed their contract to Animal Control <br />Services, Inc. A proposed contract between the City of Hugo and Animal <br />Control. Services, Inc., was provided to the Council their consideration. <br />COUNCIL_ WORKSHOP (NEW POST OFFICE) <br />At the Council meeting of September b, 1994, the Hugo City Council <br />established a special meeting for Wednesday, September 21, 1994, 7:0PM, <br />to consider and discuss the location for the post office. !Marvin L.aVal.le <br />suggested that the Council consider the property located north of 147tH <br />Street. and Flay Avenue in their location process. <br />Brunotte made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to adjourn at. 1.1.:00 PM. <br />All aye. !'lotion Carried. <br />1�0 ,a? <br />Mar yCr-eager, Ci �/ lerk <br />