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City Council meeting of October 17, 1994 <br />Page 4 <br />protection equipment, and also attend recurring training programs to <br />maintain qualification in this area. Given the low numbers of such <br />permits currently being issued in the City, staff believes that providing <br />authority for these permits to the State Fire Marshal's office makes sense <br />to avoid unreasonably high overhead costs. <br />Miron made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 94-21. <br />RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO THE PERMITTING OF FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS IN 'THE <br />CITY OF HUGO. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes. Brunotte, Miron. Stoltzman <br />Motion Carried. <br />JUDICIAL DITCH #2 (HARDWOOD CREEK) MAINTENANCE <br />The City received notice from the Rice Creek. Watershed District that it <br />intends to conduct maintenance work on Hardwood Creek within the City of <br />Hugo, and that funding has been committed to the project. The City has an <br />option of either performing the maintenance work itself, or by default, <br />allowing the Watershed District to perform the work.. As the proposed work <br />extends beyond the boundaries of the City of Hugo, to include Forest Lake <br />Township and the City of Lino Lakes, staff stated that it would be more <br />efficient to allow the Watershed District to let one contract for the <br />entire project, with the City reserving the right to review, and comment <br />upon, the conditions and standards of the work. performed. <br />Barnes made motion, Miron seconded, authorizing the City Administrator to <br />send a letter to Kate Drewry at RCWD, stating that the City designates the <br />RCWD to act as the contractor for judicial ditch #2 maintenance project. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RCWD BOARD OF MANAGER VACANCY <br />The City received notice from the RCWD that the term of office for Roger <br />Oberg, as a manager of the RCWD, will expire on January 17, 1995. The <br />County Board appoints district managers from a list of nominees submitted <br />by the municipalities that are wholly or partially in the watershed <br />district. Given the City's close relationship with the RCWD, and the <br />importance of the District's activities in the City of Hugo, it would be <br />appropriate for the City to nominate a candidate to fill the candidacy. <br />Barnes made motion, Miran seconded, <br />the appointment of David Schumann to <br />Commissioners. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />1994-95 SNOWPLOWING CONTRACT <br />that the City recommend to the RCWD <br />serve as a manager on their Board of <br />The City of Hugo contracts with a priva+e individual to remove snow from <br />the parking lot by City Hall, accesses to lift stations, and other <br />facilities not serviced under contract by Washington County. Mr. Keith <br />