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Cit/ Council meeting of October 17, 1994 <br />Page 5 <br />Greenwaldt has been performing this service for the Cit/ for a number of <br />/ears, and has done a good job. He has submitted a proposal to continue <br />providing this service at a rate of $42.50 an hour, up from $42.00 from <br />the previous year. <br />Stolt man made motion, Brunotte seconded, to contract with Keith <br />Greenwaldt for 1994-95 snowplowing services at a rate of $42.50/hr. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />COUNTY ROAD COST SHARING POLICY <br />The Council previously received a copy of the proposed road cast-sharinq <br />policy prepared by Washington County. The Council received changes to <br />that policy. No action was required for this matter. <br />NEW POST OFFICE UPDATE <br />The U.S. Postal Service received proposals for a site to 'locate the new <br />Post Office in the area until October 7, 1994. The Postal Service will be <br />reviewing and prioritizing these proposals on October 25, 1994, and the <br />City should receive a response from them the second weed:. of November. No <br />action was needed for this matter. <br />SPECIAL CENSUS UPDATE <br />The special census commissioned by the City to qualify for State Aid <br />street funding is in progress, and should take approximately two weeks to <br />complete. The City should receive an initial census count by the end of <br />the month. No action was needed for this matter. <br />AL"MINISTRATOR'S PERFORMANCE REVIEW <br />At the last Council meeting, the City Council determined to conduct a <br />review of the performance of the City Administrator during a special <br />meeting on October 24, 1994, and requested that staff prepare a format <br />with background information for use during the review. The Council <br />determined that October 24th did not allow adequate time in which to <br />complete the review. Attorney Galler will compile results of the Council <br />review. <br />Miron made motion, Efrunotte seconded, to reschedule the City <br />Administrator's performance review for November 29, 1994, following 'rr-utti <br />in Taxation. Performance evaluations are to be pro-,,ided to the City <br />Attorney by 11/11/94, with results returned to the Council on 11/18/94. <br />All <<ye. Motion Carried. <br />SPECIAL MEETING (WOODS OF BALD EAGLE LITIGATION) <br />The Council meeting of October 3. 1994 was recessed until the meetinq of <br />October 5, 1994 in order to allow discussion regarding issues surrounding <br />the current litigation between the City of Hugo and Grace Development. <br />This meeting did not occur as the attorney representing the City's <br />insurance carrier was not available. <br />