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JOINT COUNCIL MEETING <br />WITH THE CITY OF HUGO <br />NOVEMBER 16, 1994 <br />occurred in the size of the pipes laid under the highway. He <br />indicated the Minnesota Department of Transportation realized <br />their mistake but did not correct it. Mr. Dresel explained that <br />if another pipe is installed under I35E, Centerville will be <br />impacted. Mr. LaValle asked Mr. Dresel to obtain a copy of the <br />study that was completed in 1977 or 1978 to use as background <br />information. <br />Mr. Powell outlined the proposed Clearwater Creek subdivision in <br />Lino Lakes noting the location, the proposed traffic pattern, and <br />the plan for providing utility services. He also noted a desire <br />to work with the City of Centerville and the City of Hugo to <br />jointly provide services for the corridor. <br />This area appears to be ready for development and mutual <br />cooperation by all three (3) cities could benefit each city. Mr. <br />Powell noted that the proposed Clearwater Creek subdivision will <br />be constructed in phases and could ultimately include 450 homes. <br />The developer has submitted a request for a rezone and <br />preliminary plat approval. Eventually two (2) municipal wells <br />and a water tower may be constructed to service the subdivision <br />and the commercial development expected at the intersection of <br />I35E and Main Street. Mr. Powell explained how services would be <br />provided for the area and noted that the proposed subdivision and <br />future commercial development is consistent with the Lino Lakes <br />Comprehensive Land Use Plan. <br />Mr. Dresel asked Mr. Powell if any studies have been prepared to <br />determine the ultimate land use for the area. Mr. Powell <br />explained that an intersection study was prepared in 1992 and <br />outlined how development is planned for the area. <br />Mr. LaValle explained that originally the frocemain along Cedar <br />Street between the City of Centerville and the Forest Lake <br />interceptor in the City of Hugo was constructed to alleviate a <br />problem in the City of Centerville. He suggested that with <br />additional flow from Lino Lakes, the capacity would be restricted <br />for the City of Hugo. Mr. Schumacher explained that connection <br />to the interceptor has been in the Lino Lakes Comprehensive Land <br />Use Plan for at least 14 years and Metropolitan Council has never <br />indicated that the connection was not possible. Mr. LaValle <br />explained that Lino Lakes was approached when the intercepter was <br />installed but Lino Lakes was not interested at that time. He <br />asked that this matter be investigated since the MCWS is <br />experiencing a maintenance problem with the Forest Lake <br />interceptor. Mr. Powell explained that all changes to the MUSA <br />boundaries and the Comprehensive Land Use Plan have to be <br />approved through the Metropolitan Council and based on <br />information from them, there is capacity for Lino Lakes. <br />PAGE 2 <br />