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1994.11.16 CC Minutes - Joint meeting with Lino Lakes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1994 CC Minutes
1994.11.16 CC Minutes - Joint meeting with Lino Lakes
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JOINT COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 16, 1994 <br />WITH THE CITY OF HUGO <br />Ms. Barnes asked Mr. Powell to explain the traffic pattern for <br />the proposed subdivision and the commercial area to the north. <br />Mr. Powell explained that there was concern about mixing the <br />residential traffic with the business traffic. A plan has been <br />discussed which would move Otter Lake Road, north of Cedar <br />Avenue, to the east. An additional concern is that Otter Lake <br />Road approaches Main Street too close to the freeway exit and <br />entrance. The proposed traffic pattern would route traffic to <br />24th Avenue (Elmcrest) and then north to Main Street. There will <br />be a traffic signal at the intersection. <br />Mr. LeRoux asked Mr. Powell if this area in Lino Lakes falls <br />within the MUSA boundaries. Mr. Powell said yes except for a <br />small area south and east of the proposed subdivision. <br />Mr. LaValle asked if the proposed drainage for this area in Lino <br />Lakes proposes to use Clearwater Creek. Mr. Powell said <br />ultimately yes. He noted that he has met with the developer and <br />RCWD regarding the proposed drainage plan. Mr. LaValle asked Mr. <br />Powell if Tart Lake could be used for overflow storage. Mr. <br />Powell said that he is hoping the drainage study will determine <br />where overflow for the entire watershed could be kept. <br />Mr. LeRoux asked if the City of Lino Lakes has considered how <br />utility infrastructure is to be financed. Mr. Powell explained <br />that the first phase of the Clearwater Creek subdivision would <br />include about 150 units and this should generate enough <br />assessments to cover the infrastructure costs. <br />Mr. LaValle suggested that the Clearwater Creek drainage study <br />may affect how this proposed subdivision should be developed and <br />how many units are allowed to develop. Mr. Powell felt that the <br />study may affect the design parameters and restrict volume of <br />runoff, not just the rate of runoff from the development. Mr. <br />LaValle felt that some of the issues are district wide issues and <br />not just Lino Lakes issues. Mr. Powell explained that he and the <br />developer have been in constant contact with RCWD on this issue <br />and they are looking at more than rate of runoff from the <br />subdivision. Soils are being examined and a plan to encourage <br />infiltration to reduce runoff was also discussed. <br />Mayor Reinert noted that the Clearwater Creek proposed <br />subdivision is only in the concept stages. There are many <br />questions to be examined before it is approved by the Planning <br />and Zoning Board and the City Council. He also suggested that by <br />phasing in the project, a higher quality subdivision will be <br />developed. Mayor Reinert felt that the development of the <br />Clearwater Creek subdivision would provide the impetus for future <br />commercial development around the freeway intersection and <br />PAGE 3 <br />
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