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1994.11.16 CC Minutes - Joint meeting with Lino Lakes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1994 CC Minutes
1994.11.16 CC Minutes - Joint meeting with Lino Lakes
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JOINT COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 16, 1994 <br />WITH THE CITY OF HUGO <br />the entire proposal impacts Hugo. Mr. Dresel noted that the City <br />of Hugo already has a water tower in the Clearwater Creek basin <br />vicinity. He suggested that Lino Lakes look at this facility for <br />short term use since there may be capacity. Mr. LaValle felt <br />that Lino Lakes should consider a major sewer interceptor for <br />this area because he felt that the current force main interceptor <br />could not service the entire area. Mr. Dresel said that he would <br />contact the old Metropolitan Waste Control Commission to <br />determine what data they have on the Forest Lake interceptor. <br />Mr. Powell felt the current interceptor would handle the needs of <br />the first and second phase of the proposed subdivision. Future <br />needs will have to be studied. Mayor Reinert felt it would be <br />appropriate for both the City of Lino Lakes and the City of Hugo <br />to meet with the Metropolitan Council staff on this matter. <br />Future street improvement plans were discussed. Mr. Dresel used <br />the overhead projector and explained that the City of Hugo's <br />transportation plan includes a proposal to eventually connect <br />Elmcrest (24th Avenue) to Highway 61 by extending Washington <br />County Road 8A (140th Street) west. The Hugo transportation plan <br />also includes provisions to improve Frenchman Road (County Road <br />14 in Lino Lakes) from Highway 61 west to the Lino Lakes/Hugo <br />border, Cedar Street from the connection with 140th Street west <br />to Elmcrest and Elmcrest (24th Avenue) north to Frenchman Road. <br />There was discussion regarding Otter Lake Road and its ability to <br />support the traffic generated by proposed subdivision in Lino <br />Lakes. Ms. Barnes suggested that Lino Lakes and Hugo plan street <br />extensions and improvements cooperatively. She noted that some <br />of the streets discussed may have to be upgraded to collector <br />status in Lino Lakes. <br />Mr. LeRoux noted that oil is being used for dust control on <br />Elmcrest Avenue. This situation creates pot holes. He also <br />noted that the access to Bald Eagle Lake in the City of Hugo has <br />been closed due to safety concerns. He asked if another access <br />site in Lino Lakes could be constructed. This matter will be <br />investigated. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Winters, 7703 - 24th Avenue, Lino Lakes <br />said that they did appreciate the dust control provide by the <br />City. <br />Mr. Miron explained that the meeting this evening has raised more <br />questions and suggested that a meeting set for January or <br />February, 1995 after the Clearwater Creek drainage study is <br />completed and a more complete discussion could be held. He <br />expressed appreciation for being offered the opportunity to work <br />with the City of Lino Lakes on matters of mutual interest. Mr. <br />Schumacher said that he and Mr. Museus will continue to work <br />PAGE 5 <br />
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