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JOINT COUNCIL MEETING <br />WITH THE CITY OF HUGO <br />NOVEMBER 16, 1994 <br />ultimately to the City of Centerville and the City of Hugo. <br />Mr. Jay Caine said that the Clearwater Creek subdivision is being <br />discussed as if it were a foregone conclusion. He noted that the <br />Planning and Zoning Board did consider the proposal and <br />recommended that it be denied. Mr. Powell explained that the <br />Planning and Zoning Board focused on the traffic that will be <br />generated on Otter Lake Road, wetland issues and the impact on <br />the school district. All these items need additional study. <br />Mayor Reinert said that the concept/preliminary plat is still <br />open for discussion and the school district issue is an entirely <br />separate issue. He explained that he feels that if the <br />subdivision is not constructed, utilities for commercial growth <br />in this area will be delayed for many years. Mayor Reinert said <br />that Lino Lakes is preparing for commercial/industrial growth and <br />already has the Economic Development staff to help develop this <br />growth. He noted that he may be criticized for opening new <br />housing development areas but a policy has already been <br />established to slow residential growth to 150 to 200 homes per <br />year. Mayor Reinert felt that the Planning and Zoning Board <br />should have delayed their decision on the preliminary plat until <br />all questions have been answered. He felt that the City Council <br />will delay any decision on the preliminary plat until the <br />drainage study has been completed and the other issues addressed. <br />Mr. Goiffon asked if the Lino Lakes tax base would benefit from <br />the proposed subdivision and would it provide the infrastructure <br />for commercial development. Mayor Reinert said yes and from a <br />visionary concept, there is benefit to the City of Hugo. Mr. <br />Goiffon said he could see a big potential for the 135E <br />intersection. Mayor Reinert suggested that a joint effort to <br />expand the MUSA would benefit both Lino Lakes and Hugo. Mr. <br />Goiffon said that if the MUSA is restricted in the City of Hugo, <br />then Hugo will not have the same development opportunies as Lino <br />Lakes. <br />Mr. Powell explained that at this time, he believes action on the <br />proposed subdivision would be delayed until the drainage study is <br />completed. Mr. Schumacher noted that the City Council has 60 <br />days to act on the plan and it is possible that the City will ask <br />the developer for a letter granting the City Council permission <br />to take more than 60 days to complete action on this matter. <br />Mr. Miron noted that the City of Hugo is also experiencing a push <br />for development in the Clearwater Creek drainage area. He asked <br />that Lino Lakes delay any action on the proposal until the study <br />is completed. He also asked that OSM not be pushed to complete <br />the study. Mr. LaValle noted that the first phase of the <br />proposed subdivision totally impacted the Hugo. Mr. Powell felt <br />PAGE 4 <br />