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1994.12.05 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1994 CC Minutes
1994.12.05 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of December 5, 1994 <br />Page 4 <br />Jamaica Avenue. Currently, the City of Hugo does not have any streets <br />named Jamaca Avenue, but under the Uniform Street Naming and Property <br />Numbering System, such a street could be developed in the City. It is the <br />staff's opinion that usinq a more common spelling for a street name would <br />be of benefit, and recommended adoption of an ordinance chanqe. <br />Stolt man made motion, Miron seconded, to schedule a public hearinq for <br />January 3, 1995, at 7:05 PM, to consider adoption of an Ordinance amending <br />Chapter 2178 by changing the spelling of Jamaca Avenue to Jamaica Avenue. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PROPOSED JUVENILE CURFEW ORDINANCE <br />The Metropolitan Area County Attorney's Association prepared a draft <br />ordinance establishinq a juvenile curfew for individuals under 17 years of <br />age. It is their belief that in order to make such a curfew effective in <br />any community, that it needs to be undertaken on a region -wide basis. <br />This would require that each county and municipality in the metropolitan <br />area adopt the ordinance. 'The Association is concerned with the 14% <br />increase in juvenile crime in 1994, and especially, the .increasing amount <br />of violence directed at juveniles. A formal proposal for adoption of the <br />ordinance is not being presented to the City at this time, but as this <br />issue will likely need to be addressed in the upcoming year, the proposed <br />ordinance was provided to the Council for their information. No formal <br />action was required for this matter. <br />UTILITY BILLING ABATEMENT REQUEST <br />On November 7, 1994, the City Council received a letter from a resident <br />requesting that the City adopt a policy abating sanitary sewer and <br />municipal water charges when a resident is absent from their home for <br />extended periods of time. Between the time this letter went out to the <br />Council in their agenda packet and the Council meeting of November 7th, <br />the City Finance Director reviewed past records of the City, and <br />determined that the City had, indeed, abated water bills when the water <br />service was disconnected at the curb. This is not a common request from <br />the City, occurring only once in the last five years. As a precedence had <br />been set, staff wrote a letter to the resident requesting the abatement, <br />informing him of the City's practice. The Council has recently received <br />an additional letter from this resident requesting that the Council take <br />formal action on his request. After a discussion regarding a history of <br />utility billing and how costs are determined, the following motion <br />introduced: <br />Miron made motion, LeroUx seconded, that the City, as a policy will <br />continue charging for utility bills through the winter months during the <br />absence of the property owner. A letter of explanation is to be sent to <br />the resident requesting the abatement. <br />;i11 aye. Motion Carried. <br />
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