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1994.12.05 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1994 CC Minutes
1994.12.05 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of December 5. 1994 <br />Page _ <br />AUTOMOBILE CLAIM ACTION <br />On September 6, 1994, the City Council authorized the City Attorney to <br />commence legal action to obtain possession of a 1984 Chevy Blazer by <br />forfeiture due to the owner's repeated convictions of driving while under <br />the influence of alcohol. The City of HLAQO recently received notice from <br />Granger's Inc., that $973.58 is due as of 11/30/94 for storage of the <br />vehicle. Given the low potential resale value for the Blazer, staff <br />questioned whether it is financially prudent to continue with the <br />forfeiture action, and requested Council guidance. Staff was directed to <br />have the vehicle moved to the Sheriff's impound lot. It was determined <br />that now, and in the future, any vehicle being held for forfeiture be <br />stored at that site. <br />LETTER OF CREDIT REDUCTION (DUCK PASS DEVELOPMENT) <br />Lerous: made motion, Miron seconded, that the letter of credit for the <br />development know as DUCK PASS be reduced to $84,474.67. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Dan Dolan, Duck Pass developer, requested special consideration to allow <br />snowplowing of roads in the development prior to City acceptance. The <br />Jeff Barbour family resides within the development, and school buses are <br />unable to gain access to their residence. Attorney Galler stated that the <br />roads are private and the City cannot .legally plow them. He stated that <br />it could be done if the owner agreed to pay for the service. It was <br />suggested that, in the future, this concern be addressed at the time the <br />Development Agreement is drafted. <br />Mir -on made motion, LeroUX seconded. authorizing staff to enter into a <br />Contractual Agreement with the developer of DUCK; PASS for the purpose of <br />plowing of roads within the development. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REPAIRS TO OLD VILLAGE HALL <br />The City's building department inspected the site and submitted their <br />findings for needed repairs to the building. Although the building is <br />structurally sound, it was determined that between $25,000 and $5(),000 <br />would be needed to bring the building into compliance with ADA and correct <br />other problems, including well and septic. <br />Miron made motion. LeroUX seconded, directing staff to start on a plan to <br />preserve the old Village Hall by investigating grants available, obtain <br />quotes for renovation, and establish long-range plans/use with community <br />involvement. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />AMENDMENT TO UNIFORM STREET NAMING AND PROPERTY NUMBERING SYSTEM <br />The Council considered a letter from the Washington County Public Works <br />Department regarding a proposal to change the naming Jamaca Avenue to <br />
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