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MINUT S OF THE; PROCFM)INGS <br />OF TTr1r <br />H?JG0 PiJ NNING COMKISSION <br />November 28, 1979 <br />The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Peltier at 8:04 PM. <br />PES?11T: Peloquin, Hanson, Houle, 11c.41l inter and Peltier <br />ABSEPIT: Greger and Lorch <br />McAllister made motion, seconded by Peloquin, to approve the minutes of November 14, <br />1979, after the following corrections have been made: <br />Page 1 (Norton) Mrs. Peltier contacted the Building Inspector <br />Page 3 - insert that ^Irs. Peltier proposed the postponement of the Special Meeting <br />of November 28, 1979, for the purpose of discussion of the construction of pole <br />barns i.n the Agriculture and Conservancy zones. <br />X11.1 aye. Motion Carried. <br />?-RATEST I-11GEL - MINOR SULDIVISION <br />•rnest Hengel's attorney, Mr. -Meyer., presented a copy of the Certificate of Survey <br />as required. Hengel is proposing to divide a 20 acre parcel into two 10 acre parcels. <br />The road frontage for the ty o parcels is as follows: Ran 314 pr -4Y 396 feet <br />and 256.75 feet on the ; parcel. Mr. Hengel's; ies 30' €ram -Z" v <br />the garage including the grove of trees e ewe Peltier determined that this <br />would be a Land Division and a Minor Subdivision would not be required. The Planning <br />Commission stated that 300' road frontage does not apply to the Agriculture zone. <br />The City Clerk to follow the prescribed. procedure. Chapter. 290-9, Subd F1 and G1 <br />was reviewed to rake these decisions. <br />McAllister made :notion, seconded by Houle, to receommend that the City Council refund <br />the applicants's fees (Mr. 7.rnest Hengel) of ..`40.00 for the Minor Subdivision_ and <br />.115.00 for the Variance becauseyrrot required. <br />Bill 11anson could rot see why 300' road frontage 1•ras not applicable. <br />VOTING FOR: Peloquin, Houle, McAllister and Peltier <br />t.?3ST:s I2• +M : Hap -son <br />on <br />Motion Carried, <br />TOM CULTK - DIVISION OF PROFIRPTY ON 1321JD s1T) INGERSOLL <br />lbI-. Clark owns 32.7 acres, part of which lies in pRII and part in Agriculture. Clark <br />presented two possible plans for subdivision, none of which appeared to be: acceptable. <br />^he plana submitted were vague as to what land was located in each zone. If Clark <br />decides to proceed, this will have to be more clearly defined. It was suggested that <br />111. Clark explore thF: possibility of larger lot size to eliminate some problems. <br />