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Hugo Planning Commission <br />June 13, 1979 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />REZONINGS <br />Mr. Nelson stated that if the land were rezoned, the city would be getting rid of <br />too much Retail Business. McAllister felt there was something lacking in the Zoning <br />Ordinance, because there was no area for limited manufacturing. Mr. Nelson again <br />stated his concern that a warehouse could go into the area thereby necessitating <br />deliveries by semis. McAllister felt that the Planning Commission should table the <br />request and recommend that the City Council direct the Ordinance Committee to draft <br />a zoning classification of light industrial or limited industrial manufacturing. <br />Bill Hanson said that he had visited the business of Mid American, and could not <br />imagine that they wouldn't expand. Mr. Larson stated that he and his partner had <br />set maximum goals for their business. In two years that would probably plan on <br />expanding, but do not want to employ more than 10 people. Mr. Karth felt that retail <br />business were having troubles in that area because of the lack of traffic between <br />Hugo and Forest Lake. <br />Motion made by Peltier, seconded by McAllister, to recommend approval of the rezoning <br />requests;of Robert Lundgren, Clyde Rehbein, Leroy McCullough and Lauren McCullough, <br />to rezone land from RB to Industrial. <br />Greger felt that there was enough Industrial districts in the city and more RB was <br />needed. <br />VOTING FOR: McAllister, Hanson and Peltier <br />VOTING AGAINST: Greger <br />Motion Carried. <br />Let the record show the Planning Commission would like to see an establishment of a <br />limited manufacturing zone. <br />NORMAN HORTON — AUTO DISMAN'T'LING LICENSE <br />Motion made by McAllister, seconded by Greger, to recommend approval of the Auto <br />Dismantling License for Norman Horton, for a term of one year, subjectto the pre— <br />vious conditions. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FRFs BENSON — REZONING AND AMENDED SPECIAL USE PERMIT <br />Mr. Jansen, Suburban Engineering, present the Commission with perc tests taken on the <br />three lots to be rezoned, along with a copy of the perc test for the homesite. A <br />perc test was unable to be taken for the location of the new kennel. Tom Crever <br />reveiewed the submitted perc tests, and stated that Tract J was marginal. Addi— <br />tional tests would have to be taken on that particular site. <br />Motion made by McAllister, seconded by Greger, to recommend approval of the request <br />of Fred Benson to rezone property from Agriculture to RRII. <br />VOTING FOR: McAllister and Greger <br />VOTING AGAINST: Peltier <br />ABSTAINED: Hanson <br />Motion Carried. <br />