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r <br />MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS <br />OF THE <br />HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION <br />May 99 1979 <br />The public hearing to consider the request of Howard Moe for an Amended Special Use <br />Permit was called to order at 7:34 PM by Chairwoman Theodora Peltier. <br />PRESENT: Peloquin, Peltier, McAllister, Hanson and Houle <br />ABSENT: Gillen and Greger <br />Mr, Don Wenzel, 14124 Flay Avenue, was present, and stated that he would like to see <br />the annual review remain as a condition to the permit. He stated that the original <br />permit allowed for a total of 14 cars, and there are now 25 — 30 cars on the property. <br />If Mr. Moe was allowed to store 50 cars, would he have 70 — 80 cars? <br />Mr. Bill DeJarlais, 14054 Flay Avenue, asked Mr. Moe if he was planning on paving, and <br />Moe said that he was asking for an extension until 1980. <br />Dan Spitzer asked Mr. Moe the average number of cars on the property since the original <br />Special Use Permit was granted. Moe stated that until spring he was well within the <br />11 cars limit. He stated that it was not economically feasible to stay in business <br />with only 11 cars allowed. McAllister asked if paint work has ever been done on cars <br />other than owned by the business, and Moe stated that his son has worked on friend's <br />cars. Moe also stated that there a* num erous times cars on the lot that are not <br />for sale ( customers and employees) . Ql`' <br />Mr. Wenzel stated that he would like to see some screening along the eastern property <br />line rather than a fence. It was determined that the additional cars parked along the <br />eastern boundary would not be closer than 50' to the property line. (GREGER ARRIVED <br />AT 7:55 PM). McAllister asked if a flammable waste trap had been installed, and Moe <br />replied no. <br />The public hearing closed at 8:00 PM. <br />The regular meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairwoman <br />Peltier at 8:04 PM, <br />PRESENT: Peloquin, Peltier, Greger, McAllister, Houle and Hanson <br />ABSENT: Gillen <br />Motion made by Poloquin, seconded by McAllister, to approve the minutes of April 25, 1979, <br />after the following corrections are made: <br />Page 3�Peloquin) <br />Peloquin- McAllister stated they were trying to treat industrial development <br />Page 3 — Chairperson Peltier stated that they were only considering the pre— <br />liminary plan <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />HOWARD ME — AMENDED SPECIAL USE PERMIT <br />Peltier asked why the extension on the blacktop, and Moe stated that he lost three months <br />because of the fire in December. McAllister commented on Moe's unwillingness to comply <br />with the original conditions of the permit, and that Mr. Moe has shown no reason to be— <br />lieve he would comply with the amended permit. The Commission then discussed highway <br />