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I: c --m; Pi[ ;`:1 ffI@@t nq Of January 19, 199_: <br />Page 2 <br />JUNK: YARD ORDINANCE <br />A public hearing was conducted by the City Council on January 4th to <br />consider the adoption of an ordinance regulating the operation of auto <br />dismantling facilities and junk yards in the City of Hugo. Action on <br />adoption of the ordinance was tabled until tonight' meeting (JanUary 1.9, <br />199=). Staff has made changes to the proposed ordinance based on quidance <br />from the City Council and the City Attorney. After a lengthy discussion <br />regarding provisions and costs to be incurred for installation of <br />monitoring wells,. and review of a letter from owners of Hugo Auto Farts, <br />the following motion was made: <br />Barnes made motion, Miron seconded, to table discussion of this matter <br />until the regular City Council meeting 2/16/93, at 7:�>5 FM, at which time <br />another public hearing will be held. <br />All aye. Motion Carried, <br />CITY HAL.L... REROOF <br />The City's building inspector has obtained cost estimates for repairs and <br />rebuilding the roof of City Hall. Cost for repairing the roof range from <br />to $2,30(), and the cost of replacing the roof, with an expanded <br />polystyrene, tapered -roof system range from $5,50C) to $7,900. The <br />foll.owinq bids were received: Shaw Chamberlin (replacement cost <br />Superior Roofing (repair at $1,8(")�), replace at $5,876.(-')()) 1. <br />Walker (repair at $2,272) and SELA (replace at $7,89ii). <br />LeroUX made motion, Brunotte seconded, awarding the bid to replace the <br />roof on City Hall to Superior Hoofing for a cost of $5,876.()(). <br />All. aye. Motion Carried. <br />Barnes made motion. LerouN seconded, to divert from the prepared agenda <br />and hear the matter of the zoning complaint at this time. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Z ON I Nle __(:__L_�_MPLA I NT ( 5676 ]. 7701'ryH STRF_E T)_ <br />The City of Hugo received a complaint regarding the operation of a <br />western -retail store at the above address. Staff has reviewed the <br />circumstances of this case, and its findings and recommendations were <br />Submitted in a separate memorandum. <br />Miron made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to accept the recommendation of the <br />City Administrator to not act on this complaint because of the ongoing <br />review of the City zoning ordinance and the potential for allowing some <br />commercial activity in agrir_ultural districts. The property owner is to <br />be notified in writing stating that the western -retail store in operation <br />on his property is a violation of the City's zoning ordinance. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />