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,.�......�,TU <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Stolt man at 7:00 PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Brunotte, Stolt man <br />City Administrator, Bob Museus <br />City Attorney, Greg Galler <br />City Clerk:., Mary Ann Creager <br />ABSENT: Leroux; and Miron (Both arrived at 7:10 PM.) <br />Barnes made motion, Brunotte seconded, to approve the minutes for February <br />16, 1993, as submitted. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Barnes made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to approve the claims for March .1., <br />199.3, in the amount of $53,642.33. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SPEC I AL. -USE PERMIT _LR . , NIL OTTA) <br />Robert. P. Bilotta has applied for a SUP to operate a "pick:. -your --own" fruit <br />and vegetable garden at 6909 132nd Street. This operation would include <br />use of the existing building on the site, with the addition of a 60' x 96* <br />greenhouse, as well as additional parking. The Planning Commission <br />recommended approval of the SUP to construct and operate a greenhouse .in <br />accordance with the approved site plan, and sell at retail, vegetable., <br />fruit, and other produce and f lower=_. grown on site, sub.:iect to spec.i.a1. <br />conditions. Mr. Bilotta appeared before the Council stating his plant= for <br />the property. (COUNCILMEN L.E.ROUX AND MIRON ARRIVED AT :10 PM) . There <br />was a lengthy discussion about the nature of the business, and what wf.=uldh <br />and would not, be done on the site. Mr. Bilotta stated that he will N01' <br />be selling landscape rock: or timbers, and will NOT be operating a <br />commercial nursery business. There was Council concerned about the <br />potential, additional traffic on 132nd Street, which is a gravel road. If <br />the road was ultimately black topped, what [portion of the assessment would <br />be the responsibility of the business_., which has only limited frontage on <br />the road. <br />Leroux: made motion that the City Administrator meet with Mr. bi:lot.ta tr:; <br />review the proposed conditions, and table this matter until the Council <br />meeting of March 15, 1.993. <br />Motion died for 'lac_k of a second. <br />Miron made motion, Brunotte seconded, to approve the reqt_est. of Robe -.rt. K., <br />Bilotta for a Special Use Permit to operate a "pick:. -••your -•own" flowers, <br />fruit, and vegetables garden at 6909 132nd Street. This operation wouYl <br />include use of the existing building on site, with the addition of a 60' <br />96' greenhouse, as well as additional parking, according to the submitted <br />site plan. Approval is subject to the following special conditions, as <br />well as a possible additional condition regarding future road assessments: <br />1. This permit shall expire with any subdivision or change of ownership <br />of the property. <br />