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City Council meeting of May = 199', <br />Page <br />Charles Shubat. and Donald Berner made application for a subdivision and <br />variance to subdivide a 0 -.acre parcel located at 1.4530 Homestead Avenue <br />into one five (5) acre parcel and one .15 Are parcel. The PC. considered <br />their request on April. 28, 1993, and recommended the Council approve a <br />modified subdivision allowing two 10 -acre parcels in accordance with the <br />site plan. The PC's recommendation was conditioned upon the following <br />items: <br />1.. Adequate proof of septic sites be provided to the City prior to final. <br />plat approval. <br />. Approval must be obtained from RCWD. <br />1. Approval must be obtained from the DNR. <br />4. Mr. Berger must provide the City with a survey before the final subd. <br />Councilman Barnes stated that there was no hardship to the land present,, <br />only a financial hardship, which is not a basis for variance approval. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to deny the request of C;ha+r•:les. Shubat. <br />and Donald Berger for a subdivision and variance to subdivide a 20 -acre <br />parcel .into one five (5) acre parcel and one 15 -acre parcel. Denial is <br />based on the fact that no hardship to the land exists. <br />All. aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mr. Berger and the City Administrator will meet to discuss this matter <br />further. <br />OUIMET (RE.ZON NG/SUBDIVISIO") <br />Graham Ouimet applied for rezoning and subdivision of his property located <br />at 14655 Forest Blvd. It is Mr. Ouimet's intention to rezone his property <br />from CB to SFU, and subdivide a portion of the property for sale to an <br />adjacent property owner in accordance with the submitted survey. The PC <br />considered this request on April 28, 1993, and recommended approval of the <br />rezoning and subdivision with conditions. <br />Barnes made motion, !`Miran seconded, to adopt_. ORDINANCE 91-280, AN <br />ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 320 OF THE HUGO CITY CODE ENTITLED "ZONING" BY <br />AMENDING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Brunot.te, Miron, Stolt: man <br />Motion Carried. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Miron seconded, to approve Certificate of Sur`:'e): <br />#5-3-9=, for Graham Quimet, .14655 Forest Blvd., for the subdivision of a <br />portion of his property in accordance with the submitted certificate of <br />survey/. Approval is subject to the following special conditions: <br />1. A final certificate of survey be provided to the City for the <br />subdivision. <br />