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City Council meeting of May 0, 199: <br />Page 4 <br />2. The northern parcel being created by the subdivision, be required to <br />be included in the property description of the adjacent property owner <br />who is purchasing this parcel. <br />3. All existing easements located on property be identified on the final <br />certificate of survey. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />WUNUERL I CH (SUBDIVISION } <br />On January 21, 1992, the Hugo City Council granted conditional preliminary <br />approval for the subdivision of property owned by William Wunderlich <br />located at 15939 Ingersoll Avenue. One of the conditions for approval was <br />that the Outlot created in this subdivision be declared l_lnbuildable until <br />such time as adequate road access is provided to the site. Mr. Wunderlich <br />has provided a revised preliminary plat with access to Outlot A by the <br />acquisition of a 70' wide strip of property to Jeffrey Avenue. The Hugo <br />PC considered the revised preliminary plat for Wunderlich Hills on April. <br />28, 1993, and recommended approval of the preliminary plat with special <br />conditions. <br />hliron made motion, 8runotte seconded, to approve the preliminary plat for <br />William Wunderlich to subdivide 86.98 acres into two (2) lots and one (1 ) <br />Outlot, subject to the following special conditions: <br />1. Plat approval shall be contingent- upon compliance with the plat <br />conditions, as well as the grading storm water drainage and utility <br />plans. <br />2. All conditions of plat approval must be met prior to the stamping of <br />any deeds for recording by the Cit.'; Clerk, unless otherwise permitted <br />by Council action. <br />3. The property lines on site must be identified by the applicants to <br />assure proper setbacks when buildings are to be constructed, if <br />required by the building inspector. All lots must be properly staked. <br />4. Proposed driveways or drainage areas within the development must <br />include installation of a minimum 15" diameter corrugated metal <br />culvert in a manner acceptable to the City. <br />5. No building permits shall be issued until the plat has been approved <br />and recorded with Washington County. <br />6. The required permits from the Rice Creek Watershed District and <br />Department of Natural Resources must:. be secured prior to Counc i <br />review. <br />7. All fees relating to this subdivision shall be paid by the applicant <br />including the _opt of recording documents with 4J,.�.._-:....:.g ._r.n'!':.v, :. <br />S. Any driveway_..._t_ <br />per"n'�i .:._. r-'eq�_.lirir'�q access to tl.lCf't4Vc't'/r: or C':!:suf_ t., r_oii:ius (f c:.;' <br />not be issued until the necessary permits are secured from WashinC''=or <br />County or the City. <br />9. Percolation tests for each buildable site must be submitted to the <br />City prior to final plat approval. <br />10. Payment of fee for three lots, in lieu of parkland dedication, shall <br />be paid to the City at the time of final plat approval. <br />11. The lowest minimum floor elevation of a structure in this subdivision <br />shall be 2' above the 100 -year, high-water mark or 4' above the high <br />ground water mark, whichever is greater. <br />