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City Council meeting of June 21, 1993 <br />Page 2 <br />The Hugo City Council held a public hearing to consider a request of <br />Merila & Associates, on behalf of Kenco Construction, to vacate a portion <br />of the roadway located at the northeast quadrant of 145th Street and <br />Geneva Avenue North' The street area in question was platted as part of <br />the Rice Lake Meadows 1st Addition. During approval of the RLM plat, <br />concern was expressed regarding the safety of the curve planned for that <br />intersection' In the application for development of Phase 2 of the <br />subdivision, the developer intends to provide a standard 90 -degree turn at <br />that location, making the area proposed for vacation redundant as a <br />street. The public hearing was opened, and Mr. Cary Weisner questioned <br />the status of his driveway. James Merila, present at the meeting, stated <br />that he would discuss this matter with Mr' Weisner. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 93-8, A RESOLUTION <br />VACATING A PORTION OF THE ROADWAY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST QUADRANT OF <br />145TH STREET AND GENEVA AVENUE NORTH. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Brunotte, Leroux, Miron, Stoltzman <br />Motion Carried. <br />FINAL PLAT APPROVAL (RICE LAKE MEADOWS 2ND ADDITION) <br />Kenco Construction has applied for final plat approval to construct the <br />2nd Addition of the Rice Lake Meadows subdivision' The City Engineer's <br />recommendations were provided to the Council for their review. The <br />Development Agreement for this Phase has not been completed yet, but will <br />be available in the near future, The Council discussed at length drainage <br />in the area, specifically, the ditches along Goodview Avenue, lying south <br />the proposed development' The Council also discussed the possibility of <br />the developer contributing to the upgrading of Goodview Avenue adjacent to <br />their project. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to table the final plat for Rice Lake <br />Meadows 2nd Addition until the meeting of July 6, 1993. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />This matter was withdrawn from tonight's agenda. <br />FINA,,FIPT APPROVAL (WUNDr-J-H,H]1 Ln,: <br />The Council granted preliminary plat approval for the Wunderlicn Hili-, <br />subdivision on June 21, 1992, which was amended on May 3` 1993' The <br />Council reviewed the Development Agreement between the Citv and toe <br />developers for the subdivision. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the final plat of <br />WUNDERLICH HILLS, and authorize the Mayor to sign the Development <br />Agreement between William and Ruth Wunderlich and the City of Hugo, on <br />behalf of the City. <br />All aye. Motion Carried' <br />