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City Council meeting of July 6, 1993 <br />Page 5 <br />The Council reviewed the Development Agreement between the City of Hugo <br />and Arlington Properties for development of the COUNTRY PONDS <br />subdivision' This Development Agreement was initially prepared when the <br />developer intended to construct all 98 lots concurrently, and will need <br />be altered to represent the 34 lots currently proposed. In addition, a <br />paragraph outlining the developer's responsibility for site -grading may <br />required. The City Council, in the past, required developers to deposit <br />with the City funds to cover the first seal coating of the streets <br />constructed during the development. The Council may wish to add this <br />requirement to the Agreement. <br />Miron made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to table this matter until the <br />meeting of July 19, 1993. <br />All aye' Motion Carried' <br />to <br />be <br />The Council reviewed a minor MUSA amendment prepared by the City's <br />consulting engineer to add a portion of the COUNTRY PONDS development into <br />the City's municipal utility -service area. Upon Council approval, the <br />application will be forwarded to the Met Council for action. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the MUSA amendment as <br />prepared by the City's engineer to add a portion of the COUNTRY PONDS <br />development into the City's municipal utility -service area. The proposed <br />area will be used for drainage purposes only. <br />All aye. Motion Carried' <br />TE PLAN APPROVAL (GLAMOS WIRE PRODUCTS <br />Glamos Wire Products requested site plan approval for constructing a 100' <br />x 200' steel cold exterior warehouse onto their existing building located <br />at 5564 152nd Street North (Peloquin IndustriaPark). Approval of the <br />expansion was foreseen during approval process for the existing building <br />in 1987. The site -drainage plan was approved bv the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District on June 17, 1987. Staff review indicetes that the building meets <br />our requirements of the City's zoning ordinanceHugo Citv [ode, Chapter <br />219-6, requires parking areas be oaved. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Miron seconded' to apr-c.e Lhe site zlan for Glamos <br />Wire Products, 5564 152nd Street, to const -Act a z00' x 200^ e�eel cold <br />exterior warehouse onto their existing building located in the Peloquin <br />industrial Park. The Council to review their parking lot situation within <br />12 months of this date. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />The Committee, established to make a recommendation to the Council for the <br />selection of a Fire Chief, has recommended that the existing position of <br />