City Council meeting of July 6, 199:_;
<br />Page 4
<br />and the Corp=_. of Engineer's approval is pending. Staff stated that any
<br />approval granted be contingent upon the developer meeting all requirements
<br />of the Rice Creek Watershed District, Minnesota DNF:, Army Corps of
<br />Engineers, and other regulatory agencies having authority over this
<br />project.
<br />Barnes made motion, Brl_tnot.te seconded, to approve the Site Plan for Arcand
<br />Golf Course, as submitted. Approval is subject to developer obtaining the
<br />proper permits from the regulatory agencies.
<br />All aye.. Motion Carried.
<br />Mayor Stoltzman stepped down, and Councilman M.i.ron served as acting Mayor.
<br />On June 2=, 1993, the Hugo Planning Commission conducted a public t-ir=•ar-ing
<br />regarding the application by Laura Stolt: man for a SUP to ooerate an auto
<br />repair business on her proper't,. described as the l=_ 985' of the fir 1/4 V:
<br />the NE 1!4 of Section 15, f _:1.N, fes:2.1W, Washington t..ount.y, AN. The PC
<br />recommended approval of the SUP subject to special conditions. The
<br />Council believed that the OUP should contain a "s.uns•et:. clause". and Walter
<br />L. Otol tzman wanted the right to retain his permit in the event one
<br />sons wanted to carr, on the business. There was also discussion regarding
<br />g
<br />the status of the Laura Stolt. man property, where the business is
<br />presently operated, in the e`aent the property should 1...!ave to be sold or
<br />subdivided.
<br />Barnes. made motion, Brunot.te seconded, to tc'tb1.e this matter until tw.,
<br />,..., f the _ r.
<br />meeting i,t July 1.9, 19`�;:;, L�.! allow time for the rF_sc;l�;�; �.:: _;',e �t.i..u"�I�.ce..
<br />clause"
<br />provision.
<br />All aye. Motion -Carried.
<br />On Autoust. ....,, 1991, t:he r"!ugr Cjtv Council granted pr _' 1.... _ Mao ._ J.
<br />t o r COUNTRY PONDS c ; ,v,s.oi located east _ _ Highway , in. -_ ;
<br />, _.,...
<br />1 �;� 1. Cd . . �; ; :1. lri . l' h'� e preliminary a p p r. ,.., .• , ... - s amended o,... ,_ _ .. 1, 1993.
<br />During discussion of the preliminary plat, t'.!'ie deve;o;-.' r -s indicated ttd .j._:...i '..
<br />they would develop 99 home lots consecutively an r"1'....- oroayrtv. Due t:..
<br />the recently -discovered i.•'._w water pressure expected or ': Ifr'r7,
<br />portion of this develorment, the c{ e v E•• c c; ,.. t seek ; . . ;._ r r......!:
<br />and initially desire c$i: pr'(_ w: for 3A lots: on me _lnn
<br />development, completing the plat once the water-pres.. Enno _.
<br />resolved. Arlington Pr:.o e>....:1:_I_t:E does wish to c .. ....
<br />- conduct ...
<br />entire 98 -lot development:. at. one time, in order to wst. a`:;.,.�:sn ..., iana:=E3'
<br />patterns utilizing the existing resources on site. The • , r:.y -,1. :?..•Iepr -.
<br />comments on the subdivision were provided to the Council.
<br />.
<br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded.
<br />PONDS PHASE 1, for development of.34
<br />development.
<br />All aye. Motion Carried.
<br />to approve the final miat of COUNTRY
<br />lots on the northern portion of e
<br />