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City Council meeting of November 1, 199' <br />Page 4 <br />ASSESSMENT OF DELINQUENT UTILITY PILLS (RESOLUTION) <br />Pursuant to Minnesota law, the Firiance Director prepared a resolution <br />declaring certain utility bills in arrears, and assessing the amount of <br />the past -due utility bills to the benefited property. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Miron seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 93-16, <br />RESOLUTION DECLARING UNPAID UTILITY PILLS BE PLACED ON THE TAX ROLLS. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MWCC EASEMENT <br />The Metropolitan Waste Control Commission requested that the City sign an <br />Agreement regarding the City's use of their easement, South of 14�►th <br />Street, to the new water tower. The staff recommended approval of the <br />Agreement. <br />Stoltzman made motion, LeroUX seconded, to approve the easement to allow <br />the City of Hugo to encroach onto MWCC sanitary sewer easements, and <br />authorize the Mayor and City Administrator to sign said easement on behalf <br />of the City of Hugo. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />TRAFFIC SIGNAL (COUNTY ROAD 8 AND HIGHWAY 61) <br />The City has been informed by Washington County that MNDOT intends to <br />install a temporary traffic signal at the intersection of C.R. 8 and <br />Highway 61, at no cost to the City. This action is being taken due to the <br />recent determination by MNDOT that this intersection warrants a traffic <br />signal, as well as in preparation for work to be conducted on 'bE in 1994, <br />which will divert traffic onto Highway 61. Though the traffic signal is <br />identified as temporary, the Washington County Public Works Department has <br />informed the City that it is not unusual for such a temporary signal to be <br />left in place for a number of years, prior to being replaced by a <br />permanent system. Presently, staff is seeking clarification regarding the <br />type of signal to be installed, as well as other improvements scheduled <br />for the intersection. No formal action was required by the Council. <br />CIVIL DEFENSE WARNING SYSTEM <br />The Council considered a memorandum from the City Administrator regarding <br />improvements to the City's civil defense warning system. The <br />Administrator recommended consideration of a long-term program as part of <br />the City's capital expenditure program. <br />Miron made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to table this matter for discussion <br />at the Council workshop of November 29, 1993, at 7:30 PM, regarding <br />capital improvements for budgeting purposes. <br />rill aye. Motion Carried. <br />