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City Council meeting of February 3, 1992 <br />Page 5 <br />Miron made motion, Brunotte seconded, to accept the resignation of ChucE: <br />Henry from the Hugo Planning Commission, effective 2/3/92. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mayor Stoltzman stated that the City has two candidates interested in <br />serving on the Planning Commission, Vince Niemczyk and Greg Burmeister. <br />There could be others who could step forward and indicate an interest in <br />serving on the Commission. <br />Miron made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to appoint an Interview Committee, <br />consisting of ken Huber, Theodora Peltier, and Debra Barnes, to interview <br />all residents interested in filling the current vacancy on the Hugo <br />Planning Commission. Said Committee to make their recommendation at the <br />City Council meeting of March 2, 1992. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MAYOR'S REPORT <br />The City received a letter from the RCWD stating that Hugo resident, <br />Kathryn Drewry, had been appointed to serve on the RCW Advisory Board. <br />The Mayor referenced the recent memo sent to the Planning Commission and <br />City Council regarding the construction of pole barns in rural and <br />residential areas. This matter will be discussed at a later date. <br />Mayor Stoltzman met with the Mayor of White Bear Lake to discuss the <br />possibility of constructing a "community center" with other adjacent <br />communities. This matter is to be placed on the Council agenda for the <br />meeting of February 18, 1992. <br />Mayor Stoltzman recognized that the weed: of March 8, 1992 was declared <br />VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA WEEK. No further action was taken. <br />CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br />The City received correspondence from the RCWD regarding two subdivisions <br />that are now considered "terminated" by them. Copies of the letters were <br />submitted to the Council for their information. <br />The City received a request from an election candidate to appear before <br />the City Council at an upcoming meeting. Because of time -constraints, <br />City policy does not allow time on City agendas for such requests. The <br />City Council confirmed its support of this policy. <br />MISCELLANEOUS <br />Councilman Miron requested an update on recycling reports submitted by <br />haulers in the community. <br />Councilman Brunotte inquired about a grant available to communities to <br />provided recycling bins for residents. Because the City does not have an <br />ordinance regarding rubbish removal, or an approved recycling program, <br />Hugo would not be eligible. <br />