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City Council meeting of February 3, 1992 <br />Page 4 <br />CONSULTANT SELECTION P=ROCESS (RFP FEASIBILITY STUDY) <br />On February 5, 1992, the City Council will be meeting with six architects <br />to discuss the contents of the feasibility report to be prepared for the <br />Rice Lake Park building. At the *nreviOLAS City Council meeting, members of <br />the Council discussed the possibility of reducing the scope of the study, <br />while other members of the Council have suggested the need to expand the <br />scope of the study. The City staff would recommend that if the City <br />Council is desirous of altering the scope of this study, that they <br />specifically identify those items to be dropped from the study, as well as <br />those items the Council would like added to the feasibility report. It <br />should be kept in mind that the cost estimates identified by the various <br />architects for preparing this feasibility report were based on the <br />information identified on the RFP. After a brief discussion, the Council <br />decided to proceed with the interview based on the original RFP submitted <br />to the architects, with no additions or deletions. <br />PROPOSED FLOOD PLAIN ORDINANCE <br />As per Minnesota Statutes, the City of Hugo is required to update its <br />flood plain ordinance, as recommended by the MNDNR. The proposed draft- <br />ordinance reflects the efforts of the City staff in bringing our current <br />flood plain ordinance into compliance with State requirements. This <br />ordinance is currently being reviewed by the City Engineer for additions, <br />deletions, or other modifications. In that the City Council will need to <br />address this ordinance change this spring, the City staff provided the <br />Council with a copy of the ordinance for their review. Councilman Miron <br />inquired about the section referencing "non-conforming structures". City <br />Administrator Huber stated that because the 100-year flood level varies so <br />much, depending on the location in the City, that it would be <br />cost-prohibitive for the City to do topographic mapping to determine <br />which structures would be currently below the 100-year flood elevation. <br />This would have to be determined on an individual basis, at the time some <br />kind of activity or development took place. <br />RESPONSE TO PHIL WILBANKS'S LETTER <br />At the previous .meeting of the Hugo City Council, a letter was stAhmitted <br />to Mayor Stoltzman regarding the manner in which the City handled the <br />appointment of the City attorney, on January 6, 1992. Mayor Stoltzman <br />made a brie` response to Mr. Wilbanks' letter by reading his prepared <br />statement, and the matter was closed to further discussion. <br />PLANNING CQV.MISSION RESIGNATION <br />At the January 21, 1992 regular meeting of the Hugo City Council, Mayor <br />Stoltzman requested that Councilman Miron contact Planning Commissioner, <br />Chuck Henry, to verify his resignation from the Hugo Planning Commission. <br />C=ouncilman Miron stated that he met with Mr. Hen r;, and Mr. Henry thought <br />his term of office expired on 12/31/91. City records indicated that Mr. <br />Henry's term expired on 12/31/92. Mr. Henry then informed Councilman <br />Miron that he would have to resign from the Planning Commission effective <br />immediately. <br />