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MINUTES FOR THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 18. 199' <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Stolt man at 7:00 PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Brunotte, Jesinski, Miron, Stolt man <br />Citv Administrator, Ken Huber <br />City Engineer-, Howard k:uuslsto <br />City Finance Officer, Ron Otkin <br />City Clergy:, Mary Ann Creager <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to approve the minutes for the City <br />Council meeting of February 3, 1992, as submitted. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Brunotte made motion, Jesinski seconded, to approve the claims for <br />February 18, 1992, in the amount of $115,651.29. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING VACATION OF ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY (STANEF.'.) <br />As per Council direction, a public hearing was scheduled for Council <br />meeting to secure input on the proposed vacation of the alleged road <br />right-of-way being four rods wide and the center line described as <br />follows: Beginning at the corner post at the northwest corner of Section <br />1, T31N, R21W, and running southerly on the section line between Sections <br />1 and 2, a distance of 1,400 ft., all in the City of Hugo, Washington <br />County, MN. This public hearing is being held consistent with the <br />Settlement Agreement and Release previously approved by the City Council. <br />Section 9 of the Agreement states that the City of Hugo will commence a <br />street vacation proceedings for the portion of the disputed right-of-way <br />between Sections 1 and 2, to the north of the Stanek property. The <br />Settlement Agreement and Release should end a long-standing disagreement <br />between the Staneks, the City of Hugo, NSF', and adjacent property owners. <br />The public hearing was called to order by Mayor Stolt man, and there were <br />no oral or written comments. <br />Jesinski made motion, Miron seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1992 <br />RESOLUTION VACTING ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY PURSUANT TO SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND <br />RELEASE. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Brunotte, Jesinski, Miron, Stolt man <br />Motion Carried. <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING W(%TER SYSTEM J MPROVEMENTS AND ACCEP_TAN_C_ E (IF <br />FINANCING OPTIONS <br />As per Council direction, a public hearing was scheduled for the Council <br />meeting to secure input regard nq the City's proposal to make improvement <br />to the City's water system. Said improvements involve the constrUCtion of <br />a 500,000 elevated water tower, a well and pump house, and other- water <br />main improvements. This hearing is being held as a follow up to the two <br />previous Council meetings, at which the City Council discussed the need <br />for these improvements and the various financing options available to the <br />City. The improvements proposed would be considered the first phase of a <br />