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City Council meeting of February 19, 1992 <br />Page 21 <br />3-phase project to meet the long-term needs of the City. The financing <br />options previously discussed involved the use of general fund and utility <br />reserves to supplement a bond issue of approximately $1.355 million <br />dollars. Debt service on this bond issue is to be retired by the <br />collection of Water Availability Charges, water rates, tax levy, <br />development impact fees, assessments, and tax increment financing. A <br />summary of the water -system plan and financing options was provided for <br />Council review. The City Engineer, Howard Kuusisto, was present to answer <br />questions regarding this project. City Administrator Huber reviewed the <br />proposed plan and the financing options available to the City. Prior to <br />the public hearing, Councilman Miron suggested that the hearing be <br />separated into three parts: need, design, and financing. The public <br />hearing was opened, and residents addressed the following: <br />1. What happens to existing wells? <br />2. Will water supply of existing wells be affected? <br />3. Asking for premature development? Who will pay? <br />4. Construct tower on Homestead Avenue and County Road 6A. <br />5. Do developers contribute to future water -system improvements? <br />6. Will fire rating change with construction of new well? <br />The public hearing was closed, and it was Councilman Miron's opinion that <br />the City get bids prior to adoption of the draft resolution. The City <br />should obtain firm cost figures so that financing could be finalized. <br />Councilmember Barnes requested that the engineer's report be amended to <br />reflect some of the concerns expressed at the public hearing. City <br />Administrator suggested adjustments to the draft resolution that met with <br />the approval of the Council. <br />Jesinski made motion, Brunotte seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1992-4, <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZING DEVELOPMENT <br />OF FINANCING FLAN. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Brunotte, Jesinski, Miron, Stoltzman <br />Motion Carried. <br />RESIDENT REQUEST (HUGO MEADOWS P;iRK) <br />As a follow up to the petition submitted to the City Council on February <br />3, 1992, the City Council is requestinq public input on the propoFal to <br />develop a neighborhood park adjacent to the Hugo Meadows and Birch Tree <br />Fonds subdivisions. The 2+ acre park in question was dedicated to satisfy <br />part of the park land requires -,entire, of the subdivision regulations. At the <br />t+me c -)f the park land dedication, the laity staff cautioned the Planning <br />Commission and City Council regarding the limited access to the site, and <br />tha cost of on-going maintenance of neighborhood parks. The park in <br />question has been used as a nature site to -date, and ttie residents of Hugo <br />Meadows and Birch Tree Fonds are now requesting that it be improved to an <br />active recreational facility. Currently, the City has approximately <br />$10,500 available in its park land acquisition and improvement fund. The <br />City has not budgeted money in its general fund for the upgrading and <br />maintenance of neighborhood parks. The issues and concerns the City <br />Council will most likely have to address, open considering this petition <br />for park improvements, are as follows: <br />