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City Council meeting of February 18, 1992 <br />Page 6 <br />On behalf of the Hugo Snowmobile Club, Mr. Russ Pastorius addressed the <br />City Council requesting approval to conduct a snowmobile race on Egg Lake <br />for Saturday, March 14, 1992. They had already been on contact with the <br />Washington County Sheriff's Office, and had their recommendations. Mr. <br />F'astorius also stated that he would be obtaining the necessary liability <br />insurance, and written permissions necessary for parking on private <br />property. The City's biggest concerns were parking and traffic problems. <br />Jesinski made motion, Barnes seconded, to approve the request of the Hugo <br />Snowmobile Club to conduct a snowmobile race on March 14, 1992, on Egg <br />Lake, subject to the recommendations of the Washington County Sheriff's <br />Office, and compliance with the following special conditions: <br />1. The Hugo Snowmobile Club shall be responsible for all activities on <br />site. A list of the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all <br />members of the snowmobile club shall be provided to the City Clerk. <br />2. The Hugo Snowmobile Club must secure written permission allowing <br />snowmobile access to Egg Lake via private property. <br />3. Access to this event be provided as shown on the site plan, in the <br />area between, and to the rear of, Carpenter's restaurant and Nadeau's <br />Market. <br />4. Spectator and participant parking shall not be permitted on <br />residential streets, and shall be limited to areas designated by the <br />snowmobile club, accompanied by written permission from the property <br />owners. The snowmobile club shall provide parking lot attendants, and <br />maps identifying the parking areas to minimize congestion and <br />potential traffic safety problems. <br />5. The snowmobile club shall provide, and pay for, refuse dumpsters <br />adequate to handle this event. <br />6. The snowmobile club shall provide, and pay for, adequate Satellite <br />restrooms to accommodate this event. <br />7. The snowmobile club shall provide proof of liability insurance <br />covering this event, naming the City as an additional insured. <br />8. Copies of all required permits from Washington County and the DNF; <br />shall be submitted to the City Clerk prior to 03/1+/92. <br />9. No on -street parking shall be permitted in residential areas adjacent <br />to Egg Lake. <br />10. All racing activities shall be limited to the areas identified on the <br />lake site Man. <br />11. No alcoholic beverages may be sold on site in conjunction with this <br />event. <br />1.2. The snowmobile club shall be fully responsible for all clean up at the <br />end of this event, and before March 17, 1992. <br />13. All acti,iities related to this event shall be policed by the Httgo <br />Snowmob.L'le Club to assure compliance with all conditions of event <br />approval. <br />14. A copy of the City ATV Ordinance shall be distributed by the Hugo <br />Snowmobile Club to all contestants in this event. <br />15. The snowmobile club shall be responsible for all costs incurred by the <br />City for rescue or fire calls as a result of this event. <br />16. The deadline for submitting all permits, insurance, and other - <br />documentation verifying compliance with these special conditions, <br />shall be no later than Thursday, March 12, 1992, at 2:00 PM. <br />