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City Council meeting of February 18, 1992 <br />Page 5 <br />of the proposals by each architect, and select an architect that will <br />provide the study that best meets the needs of the City. The architects <br />interviewed were as follows: <br />1. Morrison/Walijarvi Architect <br />2. Midwest Construction Management <br />3. Trossen Wright <br />4. The Design Partnership <br />5. Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlick <br />b. Finn -Daniels Broussard <br />Because Councilman Miron was not present at the interviews, he stated that <br />he would abstain from voting on the selection. <br />Barnes made motion, Jesinski seconded, to enter into an Agreement between <br />the City of Hugo and The Design Partnership, for preparation of the Rice <br />Lake Park building feasibility report, and authorize the Mayor and City <br />Clergy: to sign said Agreement on behalf of the City. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Jesinski, Stolt man <br />VOTING NAY: Brunotte <br />ABSTAINED: Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />CITY ADMINISTRATOR <br />Administrator Huber reported on the following: <br />1. Status of the bid process for the mitigation ponds for CIP, Phase 2. <br />2. Inquired as to whether the Council would be able to meet with Jim <br />Brimeyer on February 24th at 6:00 PM rather than 7:00 PM. The Council <br />reaffirmed the 7:00 PM time. <br />3. The City is being served by the City of White Bear Lake for ambulance <br />service. They will be updating us as to the status of a new contract. <br />SQUAD CAR PURCHASE <br />Stoltzman made motion, Jesinski seconded, to proceed with the purchase of <br />a Ford Crown Victoria squad car, in the amount of approximately $12,113.00 <br />from Superior Ford. <br />All :eve. Motion Carried. <br />M I SCELLANEOUS <br />The City received a letter from Washington County stating that they will <br />be unable to accomplish the ditch improvements and culvert replacement on <br />Henna Avenue, from 180th Street to 170th Street, as regUested, in <br />conjunction with the proposed Henna Ave. road improvement. <br />The Council asked the City staff to follow up on the City's grant <br />application for street signs inventory/Hazard Elimination Study. <br />