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City Council meeting of March 16, 199 <br />Page <br />AWARD OF BIDS (MITIGATION FONDS) <br />As a condition of DNR approval of our p=hase 2 CIP, the City is required tc <br />construct a mitigation wildlife pond in the area of Rice Lake park. This <br />location and pond design has been approved by the DNR, and is required to <br />fulfill the conditions of our permit. The estimated cost of this project <br />was $18,000. The Council received a copy of the bid tabulation reflecting <br />the bids received. The 16 bids received range from $10,870 to $36,913. <br />The City engineer reviewed the bid documents, and informed the Council <br />that k::eller Excavating requested that their bid not be accepted as they <br />cannot meet the bid estimate. The City Engineer recommended that the City <br />Council accept the next lowest bid, Forest Lake Contracting at $13,238. <br />Barnes made motion, Stolt man seconded, to accept the bid of Forest Lake <br />Contracting, in the amount of $13,238, for the construction of a <br />mitigation pond in the area of Rice Lao.e Park. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />WATER: SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS (ADDENDUM) <br />As per Council request, the City engineer prepared an addendum to our <br />Water System Report reflecting the questions raised by the City Council at <br />the February 18, 1992 hearing. The City engineer was present to review <br />this addendum in detail with the City Council. <br />VARIANCE - OVERSIZED GARAGE (MCGUIR.E) <br />On behalf of Eugene McGuire, Waland Builders of Scandia, MN., has made <br />application to the City of Hugo for a variance to construct an oversized <br />garage at 6795 170th Street. The property is five acres in size, and is <br />located in an agricultural zoning district. The attached garage in <br />question is to be 768 square feet in size (720 Maximum allowed). The <br />request in question is consistent with the Council's policy regarding <br />oversized garages in agriculture zoning districts. <br />Jesinsk:i made motion, Stolt man seconded, to approve the variance request <br />of Eugene McGuire, 6795 170th Street, for the construction of a 768 square <br />foot attached garage (720 sq ft allowed). The proposed garage is to be <br />used for residential purposes only. <br />All aye. MoLion Carried. <br />FLOOD PLAIN ORDINANCE <br />Earlier this year, the City Council was provided with draft copies of a <br />proposed Flood Plain Ordinance to update our current ordinance. The <br />ordinance, as drafted by the City staff, complies substantially with the <br />model -ordinance provided by the DNR, and has been modified to meet the <br />City's concerns. The City engineer was present to review this ordinance <br />with the Council, and secure your input before a final draft is prepared. <br />Mr. KUusisto noted the suggested changes, and will make the necessary <br />modifications on the original draft. <br />