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City Council meeting of April 6, 1992 <br />Page 3. <br />and the DNF. The request in question appears to be consistent with the <br />City's comprehensive plan, and complies with the City's subdivision <br />regulations. The Planning Commission considered this request at their <br />meeting of March 25, 1992, and unanimously recommended approval of the <br />application for minor subdivision and variance request, subject to the <br />special conditions. Dr. Lindy and his architect, Scott Mauer, were <br />present to answer any questions regarding this request. Councilmember <br />Barnes questioned the 32' width for the driveway, and questioned whether <br />the city engineer had reviewed and made any comments. There was no report <br />on record. <br />Barnes made motion, Brunotte seconded, to approve Certificate of Survey <br />#4-6-92, and waiver of the formal platting requirements, for Dr. George <br />Lindy and the Firstar Hugo Dank:, to subdivide a 1.4 acre tract of land <br />into two parcels. This approval also allows for a variance to allow 37% <br />lot coverage with impervious surface. Approval is subject to the <br />following special conditions: <br />1. Survey approval shall be contingent upon compliance with the survey <br />conditions, as well as the grading, storm water drainage, and utility <br />plans. <br />2. All conditions of plat approval must be met prior to the stamping of <br />any deeds for recording by the city clerk, unless otherwise permitted <br />by Council action. <br />3. The property lines on site must be identified by the applicants to <br />assure proper setbacks when buildings are to be constructed, if <br />required by the building inspector. All lots must be properly staked. <br />4. No building permits shall be issued until the survey has been approved <br />and recorded with Washington County. <br />5. Securing the required permits from the watershed district and the <br />Department of Natural Resources is required prior to final survey <br />approval. <br />6. All fees relating to this subdivision shall be paid by the applicant <br />including the cost of recording documents with Washington County. <br />7. Any driveway permits requiring access to highways or county roads may <br />not be issued until the necessary permits are secured from Washington <br />County or the Minnesota Department of Transportation. <br />8. Soil tests for each buildable site must be submitted to the City prior <br />to final survey approval. <br />9. Payment of fee in lieu of park land dedication, in the amount of <br />$175.00, shall be paid to the City at the time of final survey <br />approval. <br />10. No improvements, landscaping, or grading shall be permitted in the <br />defined drainage areas without the express written authorization of <br />the City and the approved watershed districts. <br />11. All property owners shall be responsible for maintenance of drainage <br />areas within easements on their property. <br />12. The developer shall permit access to the referenced site for periodic <br />inspections to assure conformance with this subdivision. <br />13. Legal descriptions of all parcels to be subdivided shall be included. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />