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City Council meeting of April 6, 1992 <br />Page 4. <br />SITE FLAN APPROVAL (LINDY) <br />Dr. George Lindy has requested site plan approval for construction of his <br />dental office located north of the Firstar Huge Bank according to the site <br />plan submitted. This facility will be served by municipal water and <br />sewer, and will have access directly to Highway 61. The site in question <br />meets dimensional and setback requirements, and verbal approvals of the <br />DNR and RCWD permits have been provided to City staff. The appropriate <br />written permits will be sent to the City when completed. Councilmember <br />Barnes questioned the 1.0% grassed -area slope, and maybe the necessity of a <br />catch basin. Mr. Scott Mauer stated that he would change the slope rather <br />than have to install the catch basin. <br />Stolt man made motion, Brunotte seconded, to approve the request of Dr. <br />George Lindy for site plan approval for the construction of a dental <br />clinic located north of the Firstar Hugo Bank, according to the site plan <br />submitted, including a modification in the treatment of surface drainage <br />north of the building. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VARIANCE REQUEST (SENKLER) <br />Mr. Richard Senkler, 12967 Ingersoll Avenue, has made application to the <br />City of Hugo for a variance to install an addition to his existing septic <br />system within 100' of Sunset Lake. The DNR is on record stating that all <br />other avenues have been considered, and the only feasible location for th <br />expanded system would be as indicated on the submitted site plan. At <br />their meeting of March 25, 1992, the Board of Zoning Adjustments <br />recommended approval of this variance request based on the fact that the <br />only feasible location for the expansion is within 100' from Sunset Lake. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to approve the variance request of <br />Richard Senkler, 12967 Ingersoll Avenue, to install an addition to his <br />existing septic system 50' from Sunset Lak-e (100' is required). Approval <br />is based on the fact that proposed location is only feasible site for an <br />expanded system. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SITE FLAN APPROVAL (D.T. PR0PE�;TI2S <br />On behalf of D.T. Properties of ForeF�t LaEa, MN., Mr-. Richard Tschida has <br />made application to the City of Hugo for site approval on a 82.9 acre <br />tract of land for a retail sales business only. The site in questior, is <br />located north of 170th Street and east of Highway 61. Soveral years ago, <br />the property owners of the site petitioned the City to rezone the property <br />from agriculture to RB. The Planning Commission considered a request to <br />rezone the property from RB to Industrial at their meeting of March 25, <br />1992, and unanimously recommended denial of the request because the <br />industrial zone is inconsistent with the City's comprehensive plan. <br />Subsequent to the Planning Commission's action, Mr. Dick Tschida withdrew <br />his request for rezoning, and has requested site plan approval of his <br />proposed retail use. Mr. Jim Dimmerman was present, and stated that his <br />plans for the property included of seasonable repairs of boats and <br />snowmobile and storage of them in conjunction with the changing seasons. <br />