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City Council meeting of April 20, 199 <br />Page <br />of keystone Avenue. Part of the roadway in question is located in May <br />Township, and part in Hugo. At the time Mr. Haas applied for a building <br />permit to construct his dwelling unit, he was informed by the City staff <br />that the roadway in question was a minimum -maintenance road, which <br />received only snow plowing because of restricted development in the area. <br />At the time of Mr. Haas' initial contact with the City, he was informed <br />that if he wished to have the roadway improved, the appropriate procedure <br />would be to petition for the improvement, pursuant to Chapter 429 of the <br />Public Improvement Code. Mr. Haas indicated he did not want the roadway <br />improved -to the extent that the public would use it to provide access to <br />the property to the east. He was then informed that if he wished the <br />roadway to be improved as a private, gravel roadway, that he would have to <br />share in the cost of the improvement, along with other adjacent property <br />owners, and possibly May Township. Although the City does acknowledge the <br />existence of V*eystone Avenue extended, and has provided it with minimum <br />inai.ntenancc? in the past, it was made clear to Mr. Haas that future <br />improvements to the roadway should be made to City standards, and should <br />be of a bituminous surface consistent with City policy. Mr. Haas has <br />continually requested that the roadway be improved on a piece -meal basis, <br />identifying it as maintenance rather than a total upgrading to City <br />standards. It is recommended that May Township be contacted to see if <br />they are willing to participate in this improvement, and whether or not <br />the abutting property owners to the roadway are willing to share in the <br />cost of that improvement. The problems alluded to by Mr. Haas are similar <br />to those that exist on Fiona Road, Everton Avenue, and other <br />minimum -maintenance roads that are costly for the City to maintain. Mr. <br />Haas appeared at the meeting stating that he had talked to Dori Wisniewski <br />at Washington County Public Works, and was told that his repairs would <br />take 1/2 of a day, and that he (Haas) would be willing to pay any costs <br />-for the ditch cleaning. A new culvert would be installed approximately <br />300' north. of 157th Street. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, directing the City Engineer to have <br />Washington County clean the ditch on the Haas' cartway Weystone Avenue <br />north of 1.57th Street) at Mr. Haas' expense. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Councilman Miron requested that he be allowed to review the billing from <br />Washington County, prior to submission -to Mr. Haas. <br />AC& I I S I T I ON OF LAND FQR PROPOSED WAT."ER TOWEF <br />The City received a letter from Cit,/ Attorney, Charles Johnson, regarding <br />right-of-way acquisit.i:-.n for the proposed water tower and well, and is <br />requesting City Council approval to proceed with the work. This matter is <br />being giv 1n "top priority" by the City Attorney, and CouC.i7member Ba. -nes <br />regUested monthly progress reports. <br />Miron made motion, Stolt man seconded, directing the City Attorney, <br />Charles Johnson, to proceed with the acquisition of property for the <br />proposed Water System. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />