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1992.04.20 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1992 CC Minutes
1992.04.20 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of April 20, 1.992 <br />Page _ <br />PETITION FOR A TEMPORARY MOBILE HOME PERMIT (A. EQ -,ER) <br />Miran made motion, Brunotte seconded, to approve the request of Arnold <br />Ecker, 10264 122nd Street North, for a temporary mobile home permit for a <br />three-month period, from 3/35/92 to 6/30/92. Approval is subject to <br />payment of the $25.00 mobile home permit fee. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REQUEST TO MOVE IN HOUSE PRIOR TO SUED (E. SHULTZ) <br />The Council received a copy of a letter from Eugene Shultz requesting <br />Council authorization to allow him to move a dwelling unit on a large <br />tract of land that is supposedly in the process of being subdivided. When <br />the owner, Mr. A.J. Gustafson (Rose of Sharon), started selling off these <br />parcels of land, it was noted that the subdivision had never been approved <br />by the City. Although the realtor claims that the parcel had been <br />subdivided, no surveys or plats were found on record at Washington County <br />or with the City of Hugo. The City was then informed that the parcels <br />were sold by unrecorded contracts for deed, yet those deeds were never <br />produced. In March, 199" the city administrator met with Mr. Gustafson's <br />attorney, and an alternative for accomplishing this subdivision was <br />reached. Mr. Gustafson has indicated he will be applying for a <br />subdivision of land involving Parcels A, B, D, and E. Parcel C is <br />currently a lot of record, as is the five acre tract noted as the <br />exception just north of 132nd Street. Although all five lots identified <br />meet minimum -dimensional requirements, as per the City's Zoning Ordinance, <br />they do not meet dimensional requirements for recording of the deeds <br />without going through the formal subdivision process. Parcels E and D are <br />deficient in lot width, and Parcel A is deficient in total lot area. In <br />recent years, the City has not allowed the issuance of building permits, <br />or other approvals on property, which has not gone through the formal <br />subdivision process. If the City Council chooses to deviate from past <br />practice, we would recommend the following: <br />1. Mr. Shultz be required to provide the City with a $3,000 letter of <br />credit, to assure that the property is subdivided, as proposed, within <br />six months of City Council's approval of this request, or the <br />-financial deposit will be forfeited and the monies used to have the <br />building removed from the site. <br />2. The house not be moved on to the site until Mr. Gustafson submits a <br />formal application for subdivision of the property. <br />3. Mr. Shultz apply for the required building permits, and the building <br />foundation, and related work, be completed within six months of permi-'t <br />issuance. <br />4. Soil borings on the site be provided in an effort to identify proper <br />building and septic system location. <br />5. The 100 -year high water be identified, and permits be secured from the <br />RCWD prior to allowing the structure to be moved onto the site. (There <br />appears to be a very high water table in this area.) <br />6. No one be allowed to live in the structure until a certificate of <br />occupancy is issued, and all elements of the subdivision process have <br />been completed. <br />
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