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City Council meeting of April 20, 1992 <br />Page 4 <br />The property in question is located immediately south of 137th Street, <br />across from Rice Lake Park. It is our understanding that Mr. Shultz is <br />not the owner of the property in question, but merely intends to purchase <br />the site. There also appears to be a very large protected wet lands on <br />this site, which is not identified on the enclosed survey. The City <br />Council should be very careful in handling this matter, as the applicant <br />is not the fee owner of the property in question, and without an <br />application for subdivision. Mr. Shultz may not be able to fulfill his <br />commitments at the time of filing the $3,000 financial deposit. Mr. <br />Shultz was present at the meeting, and stated that he thought the property <br />had been subdivided prior to his proposal to purchase the house. As of <br />this date, the property owner has not applied for subdivision of the <br />property. Mr. Shultz stated that he would just as soon wait himself <br />rather than making any further commitments on the house relocation. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Miron se-conded, to table this matter until the <br />Council meeting of May 4, 1992. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REPORT ON MINING PERMIT FOR DEAN ATKINSON <br />Because of a conflict over the access/egress to gravel pits owned by Dean <br />Atkinson and River Valley Asphalt, Mayor Stoltzman attempted to act as a <br />mediator. A map was presented indicating new roads, but still using the <br />new gate. Mr. Atkinson was present, and indicated that he was not <br />satisfied with the Mayor's resolution. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to set a public hearing for May 4, <br />1992, at 7:05 PM, to consider the request of Dean Atkinson for an amended <br />Mining Permit to 147th Street for access/egress to and from his pit. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON DRAINAGE PROBLEM (R. WALLER) <br />Mr. Robert Waller was present to discuss the drainage problems at <br />Homestead and Hyde Avenues, just north of County Road 8A. It was his <br />feeling that the culvert at the north end of the holding pond east of <br />Homestead Avenue should be closed, so that runoff can be diverted to the <br />east under Hyde Avenue. <br />Miron made motion, Stoltzman secondod, directing the City Engineer, Howard <br />Kuusisto and Mayor Stoltman, to inspect the- culvert acid drainage in the <br />area of Homestead and Hyde Avenues, north .jf County Road SA, and report <br />his findings to the Cit;' Council. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REPORT OF HUGO MEADOWS PARK (MIRON) <br />Councilman Miron stated that he had met on several occasions with Hugo <br />Meadows residents regarding their request for a "neighborhood park". <br />Because the dedicated park land is not accessible, there was some <br />discussion of the City purchasing lots in Birch Tree Ponds, Phase 4 to use <br />