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City Council meeting of May 4, 199 <br />Page 2 <br />VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION: <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Brunotte, LeroUX, Miron, <br />VOTING NAY: Stoltzman <br />Motion, Carried. <br />Mayor Stoltzman directed the representatives from Valley Paving to contact <br />Howard KUUsisto if/when they desire to use the northern haul route. Dean <br />Atkinson is to meet with Mr. KUUSisto regarding the newly -opened section <br />of Irish Avenue to discuss needed improvements. <br />SITE FLAN AP'P'ROVAL (D.T. PROPERTIES) <br />Mr. Jim Dimmerman was present to discuss his proposal to construct a 6,000 <br />square foot building on property located on the north east corner of <br />Highway 61 and 170th Street, consisting of approximately 8.9 acres. The <br />building is to be constructed for investment purposes only, and at this <br />time, there is no renter or proposed use of the building available. <br />Because there is information needed relative to the proposed use of the <br />building (parking, drainage, setbaci;s, etc), the Council would be unable <br />to take action on the request. Councilman Miron requested that Mr. <br />Dimmerman meet with the new city administrator to administratively deal <br />with the requirements for site plan approval in -the RB district. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux: seconded, to <br />as Mr. Jim Dimmerman requests Council <br />application. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REQUEST TO MOVE IN HOUSE (E. SHULTZ) <br />table this request until such time <br />consideration for his site plan <br />Stoltzman made motion, Miron seconded, to table this matter until City <br />Council meeting of August 1992. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR HENNA AVENUE___ <br />PROJECT #4-6-92 <br />Stoltzman made :notion, BrunoL'te seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 19-'2-9 <br />RESOLUT; ON RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING FOR HENNA <br />AVENUE FROM 170TH STREET, NORTH TO 180TH STREET, P.I. PROS: c -:'T #4-6=92 . <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Brunotte, LeroUX, Miron, Staltzman <br />Motion Carried. <br />LETTER FROM DIANE KIRCHOFFNER <br />The City Council received a letter from Diane Kirchoffner- regarding <br />dumping along City streets and information on long-range plans for <br />recycling. Mayor Stoltzman explained present policy for cleariirig Up <br />