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City Council meeting of May 4, 1992 <br />Page _ <br />road -side debris, and that trash haulers are expected to provide a <br />recycling service for their customers in the City. Other ways to deal <br />with these issues were discussed, as follows: "adopt" a City road <br />program, notice in next Newsletter requesting residents to attempt to ta4e <br />care of the area near their residences, and citizen volunteers. Mrs. <br />Kirchoffner will work with the city administrator regarding this matter. <br />REPORT ON PLANNING COMMISSION VACANCY (BARNES) <br />Councilmember Barnes stated that she will be conducting informal <br />interviews with PC candidates along with PC chairman Theodora Peltier and <br />the city administrator. A report will be made at the Council meeting of <br />May 18, 1992. <br />CITY ATTORNEY <br />The City has received a proposal from Robert Lydon regarding the <br />acquisition of right-of-way for the County Road J project. Mr. Johnson <br />felt it would be wise for the City to have one person coordinate the <br />project. <br />Barnes made motion, Stolt man seconded, authorizing Robert Lydon to <br />proceed with the obtaining of property or right-of-way, and slope and <br />construction easements, up to the point of condemnation, for the County <br />Road J project, in an amount not to exceed $2,600.00. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FENCE LAW <br />The Ordinance Violations Committee met recently regarding a fence dispute <br />between property owners Joel Hursh and Tom Jesinsk:i. Attorney Johnson <br />provided the Council with Minnesota Statute #344, entitled "Partition <br />Fences" for their review. The Councilman (Leroux:) from the ward where the <br />disputed fence is located serves as the fence viewer for the City. <br />GRAVEL PIT EXPANSION <br />City Attorney Johnson reviewed action taE::en by the Planning Commission at <br />their meeting of April 22, 1992 to deny the request of River City Asphalt <br />to expand their mining operation. Mr. Johnson stated that he was <br />concerned with the reasons given for the denial, and the fact that a <br />Commissioner had signed a petition against the expansion prior- to the <br />Planning Commission holding a public hearing. Mr. Johnson stated tn-.-,t the <br />vote of that Commissioner for denial did not change the outcome. Mr. <br />Johnson felt it appropriate that the City Council refer the matter to UFie <br />Planning Commission for further consideration. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, that the City Council refer- the Ri'ver' <br />City Asphalt request for expansion of the mining operation bac4:: to the <br />Planning Commission enabling them to further clarify their reasons for - <br />denial. City Attorney Charles Johnson is to be in attendance at tliis <br />meeting. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />