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City Council meeting of May 4, 199 <br />Paye 5 <br />the Mayor will prioritize the City's roads from "worst" to "best" to <br />determine a sequence for improvements. The Finance Director will report <br />to the Council the City's financial picture for monies available for road <br />improvements. Councilmember Barnes emphasized the need for the City to <br />have someone available for inspection purposes to make sure bad spots in <br />the road are remedied at the time improvements are made. <br />Mayor Stolt man informed the Council of a joint meeting between the <br />Planning Commissions for Hugo and Grant Township to discuss the proposed <br />Barr/Harley subdivision in Grant Township. The meeting is scheduled for <br />Thursday, May 14, 1992 at 7:00 PM, Withrow School. <br />The Mayor addressed the following letters received by the City <br />1. Letter from Jim Brimeyer regarding the interview process used for <br />hiring of the city administrator. <br />t. The City received an unsigned letter of complaint from a resident. <br />City policy is to not address any unsigned letters of complaint. <br />3. A letter was received from Randall Barnes regarding City streets. <br />This letter was referred to City Engineer, Howard Kuusisto. <br />4. A signed letter of complaint regarding a business on Forest Blvd. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to refer the above referened complaint <br />(#4) to the Ordinance Violations Committee. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />C. A letter from John Bannigan requesting an opportunity to address the <br />City Council at the time of Council review of the request of Fiver <br />City Asphalt to expand their mining operation. <br />b. The City received numerous letters from residents regarding the <br />request for mining permit expansion. They are to be made a part of <br />the record. <br />Councilman Brunotte will contact MNDOT regarding a ditch along the west <br />side of Highway 61. The ditch is built up so that water is unable to <br />drain. <br />David Schumann addressed the Council requesting the City review his <br />application for site plan approval and issue him a building permit for the <br />building constructed without a permit and a 1,100 square foot expansion. <br />City Attorney Charles Johnson recommended the City contact attorney Jeff <br />Carson regarding this request. <br />Barnes made motion, Lercu:: seconded, that the City Council request to have <br />a legal representation made from our prosecuting attorneys, relative to <br />current litigation, with City administrator8ob Museus present, as soon <br />as possible. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, to adjourn at 11:30 PM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mary? <br />ary Creager, City./J16 <br />ity erk <br />