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City Council meeting of May 4, 199 <br />Page 4 <br />Attorney Johnson reported that the well -site program is moving along <br />quickly, and he will report on this matter at a later date. <br />As previously reported, the City will need to be represented in <br />Conciliation Court on May 14 with regard to a claim against the City <br />because of an impassable road. <br />Starnes made motion, Leroux seconded, that Mayor Stoltzman be authorized to <br />represent the City in Conciliation Court on May 14, after conferring with <br />the City's attorney regarding this matter. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, <br />VOTING NAY: Miron <br />ABSTAINED: Brunotte <br />Motion Carried. <br />Leroux, Stoltzman <br />CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />Mayor Stoltzman and Engineer F:uusisto inspected the drainage problems as <br />reported by Robert Waller. Mr. Kuusisto's inspection report is on file at <br />City Hall. There was discussion about blocking water at the culvert <br />located at the north end of the lake. k::uusisto stated that if the City <br />elevates the water in the lake along Homestead Avenue, it could jeopardize <br />septic systems adjacent to the water. If any plates are used to regulate <br />the elevation of the lake, the RCWD will have to be notified, and he <br />emphasized that this would not solve Mr. Waller's problem of water in his <br />fields. <br />Mi.ron made motion, Barnes <br />Fuusisto, to continue his <br />RCWD and Washington County <br />drainage problem. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CITY CLERK <br />seconded, directing City Engineer, Howard <br />work on this drainage matter by contacting the <br />ASCS in an attempt to find a solution to the <br />Leroux made motion, Stoltzman seconded, <br />the week end of June 5, 6, and 7, 1992 <br />park be reserved for Lions's Club use. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />that the City of Huge designate <br />as GOOD NEIGHBOR DAYS, and the City <br />Because the City's Ward 3 now has two precincts, two polling places will <br />be needed for each precinct. Withrow School is already crowded, ..nd would <br />be unsuitable for an additional polling area. The City Clerk: stated that <br />the Rice Lake Park building is located in Ward 7., and would be better able <br />to serve two polling places. No decision was made because further <br />discussion will be needed to address handicap accessibility. <br />MAYOR'S REPORT <br />Condition of the City's gravel roads was discussed, and the need to place <br />gravel on them. Washington County Public Works, Charles Shalander, and <br />