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City Council meeting of June 1, 1992 <br />Page 2 <br />Residents in favor of the project used the following rationale: damage t <br />vehicles (washboard), dusty, inability of access to residences by <br />emergency vehicles during spring -thaw, and inability of school buses to <br />make pickups. The public hearing was closed, and discussion continued <br />with regard to questions that need to be answered: current balance in CIF' <br />Phase 2 bond issue, balance in seal coat fund, assessment of homes using <br />private driveway off Henna Avenue, does road fit "highest" priority?,How <br />much is road used and in what condition?, and classification of Henna <br />compared to other roads needing paving. Council member Barnes also <br />requested blown -up map of Henna Avenue, indicating property fronting on <br />the road. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to table further discussion on this <br />matter until the meeting of June 15, 1992, to allow time to provide <br />information requested by the Council. <br />All. aye. Motion Carried. <br />AUDITOR'S REPORT <br />Kenneth Malloy was present to report on his firm's findings in regard to <br />the City's annual financial audit. Council members received copies of the <br />audit report and management letter at the Council meeting of May 18th. <br />Mr. Malloy stated that the City is in excellent financial condition. <br />Mayor Stolt man acknowledged the work of past and present employees to <br />create the healthy, financial situation of the City. <br />Leroux made motion, M:i.ron seconded, to accept the 1991 audit report, as <br />submitted by Malloy, Karnowski, and Radosevich. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RESOLUTION TO REI.' I E.W SPEF_.D 'FITS <br />During 1989 and 1990, the City attempted to reduce the speed limits on <br />certain roads, including Harrow Ave. A MNDOT study found that reducing <br />the speed limit on Harrow Ave., between 157th St. and 165th St., to 45 MPH <br />would be permissible, and the City placed 45 MPH speed limit signs on the <br />street. The City was recently notified by MNDOT that in order to <br />officially lower the speed limit on Harrow Ave., permission must be given <br />by the Commissioner of Transportation, based on a request by the City. <br />The proposed-esolution will provide MNDOT with the ability to officially <br />grant the lower speed limit. <br />Leroux made motion, hr-unotte seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1992-10, <br />RESOLUTION REVIEWING SPEED LIMITS ON CERTAIN ROnDS ::N THE CITY OF HUGO. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, i runotte, Leroux, Mir -on, St_lt mars <br />Motion Carried. <br />SUBDIVISION REQUEST ) <br />Ronald and Pauline Daubenspeck, 5687 140th Fit. No. have requested a <br />subdivision of their property into four parcels for use as single family <br />