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City Council Minutes - July 20, 1992 <br />Page 4 <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT TERMINATIONS <br />Hugo Fire Chief, Ron Istvanovich, has requested the City Council accept <br />the resignations of Mr. Keith Molitor and Mr. Doug Tipp, volunteer fire <br />fighters, who have moved their residences from the City of HUQ0. <br />Motion made by Mi.ron, seconded by Brunotte to accept the resignations of <br />volunteers firefighters N:eith Molitor arid Doug Tipp. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Fire Chief Ron Istvanovich has requested that the City advertise for <br />volunteer firefighters in the next newsletter. <br />STATE WATER SERVICE CONNECTION FEE <br />Finance Director Ron Otkin informed the City Council that in order to pay <br />for the State's cost in complying with the Federal Safe Drinking Water <br />Testing Programs, the MN Dept. of Health has mandated that the City of <br />Hugo pay $5.21 each year for every water- connection served by the City's <br />municipal water supply. Mr. Otkin has recommended that the City add an <br />annual charge to City water bills to fund the State's new requirement. <br />Motion made by Miron, Stoltzman seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1992-16, <br />RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION AND PAYMENT OF STATES MANDATED WATER <br />SERVICE CONNECTION FEES. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />SEWER SERVICE FEE <br />Finance Director Ron Otkin stated that because of increased costs to the <br />City from the Metro Waste Control Commission, the City will need to <br />increase its sanitary sewer rates accordingly. Mr. Otkin stated that a <br />$10.00 per quarter, per sewer connection would increase annual revenue <br />approximately $23,000 for the sewer fund which would cover depreciation <br />and Metro Waste Control increases. <br />Motion made by Stoltzman, seconded by Leroux to adopt RESG�_UT'ION 1992-17 <br />RESOLUTION AMENDING SANITARY SEWER RATES. <br />Members vo-Lina AYE: Barnes.. Leroux, i1iron, Stoltzman <br />Members voting NAY: Brunotte <br />Motion passed. <br />1993 BUDGET PREPARATION CALENDAR <br />Finance Director Ron Otkin has developed a, calendar of cri.t.ictl dates for <br />the City's adoption of its 199+ budget. This calendar could undergo <br />change based on the exact dates established by the county and school <br />districts for their public, budget hearings. A draft of the 1993 City <br />budget will be provided to the City Council on August 3, 1992. <br />Motion made by Stoltzman, seconded by Barnes to approve the tentative <br />budget calendar as submitted. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />