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Cit/ Council meetinq of November 2, 1992 <br />Page 2 <br />GUTHRIE VARIANCE <br />Gerald and Nancy Guthrie, 8991 1 0th Street North, have applied for a <br />variance to construct a 24' x 48' pole barn on their property. <br />Constructing the pole barn, as proposed, would lead to a total of 1,984 sq <br />ft of accessory buildings on the Guthrie property, which exceeds the <br />allowable limit of 1,800 sq ft in the RR2 district. The Hugo Board of <br />Adjustments considered this application on October 28, 1.992. and has <br />recommended approval of the variance. <br />Leroux: made motion, Brunotte seconded, to approve the variance request of <br />Gerald and Nancy Guthrie, 8991 13(-ith Street, to construct a 24' x 48' pole <br />barn, which would exceed the allowed sq ft of accessory storage in <br />the RR2 district. The proposed garage is to be used for residential <br />purposes only. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FIRE CHIEF'S REPORT <br />Hugo Fire Chief, Ron Istvanovich, was present at the meeting, on Council <br />request, to discuss the current personnel status of the Huqo Volunteer <br />Fire Dept. After a lengthy discussion regarding the training process for <br />the Fire Department, the following motion was made: <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to continue discussion of this matter <br />until the Council meeting of December 9, 1992 (Wednesday). <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />The Council requested that the following information be provided to them <br />for their review: <br />1. Fire Department Operations Manual. <br />2. Recommendation from firefighters as to how they feel morale on the <br />department could be improved. <br />3. Budget comparison with similarly sized/populated cities. <br />4. Report on how Fire Chief election was changed in 1985. <br />5. List of membership with their qualifications. <br />SPECIAL MEETING NOVEMBER 4, 1992 (BOARD OF CANVASS) <br />Staff is recommending that the Council designate Wednesday, November 4, <br />1992, at 7:7-C-► PM, as a special Council meeting date in order to canvass <br />the returns for the 1992 qeneral election. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Leroux; seconded, to schedule the Board of Canvass <br />of the City election held on 11/3192 for Wednesday, November 4, 1992, at <br />7: 3i_► PM. <br />All. aye. Motion Carried. <br />