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Pity ("ca,mc-t..41 m@_@ting of November 16, 1992 <br />Page <br />ICMA TRUST AGREEMENT <br />The Council received a copy of a resolution authorizing execution of <br />Deferred Compensation Flan Administrative Services Agreement with the ICMA <br />Retirement Corp. The City currently has a Trust Agreement with the ICMA <br />for recurring contributions as part of a retirement benefit plan for the <br />City Administrator. ICMA requests an updating of this Agreement. Review <br />of the existing and proposed Flan, by Ron Otkin, Finance Director, <br />indicates there are no major changes in the new Agreement. <br />Leroux: made motion, Barnes seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1992-33, <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF DEFERRED COMPENSATION FLAN <br />ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AGREEMENT. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Brunotte, Leroux:, Miron, Stoltzman <br />Motion Carried. <br />INDYKIEWICZ MINING PERMIT <br />Application has been made by George Indykiewicz, DBA Brighton Excavating <br />Company, for renewal of his Mining Permit to mine soil, sand, and other <br />deposits from the W 1/2 of the N 1/2 of Section 17, T=1N, R21W, in Hugo, <br />MN. Review of the existing Mining Permit and operations shows the <br />following: <br />1. The required bond has been posted. <br />2. On file is proof of adequate liability insurance, in the amount <br />specified by the City, with the City included as an additional insured. <br />3. A contour map, showing proposed final contours, has been submitted, <br />and approved by the City Engineer. <br />Staff recommends a one-year extension of the Mining Permit under current <br />conditions. <br />Leroux made motion, Miron seconded, to renew the Mining Permit for George <br />IndykiewicZ until November 1, 1993, subject to the previous i8 conditions <br />noted therein. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />LETTER FROM SUNSET LAKE HOMEOWNERS' ASSOC. <br />The Sunset Lake Homeowners' Association has requested that the City of <br />Hugo grant them permission to block off the driveway on the City -owned <br />property, located on 13Uth Street and the shoreline of Sunset Lake. Staff <br />review of the situation indicates that the public access to Sunset Lake on <br />130th Street is insufficient due to the long traverse of residential <br />neighborhood required to get -to the site, the steep unimproved driveway <br />for boat launching, and the total lace. of off --street parking. Staff <br />recommends that serious consideration be given to moving the public access <br />on Sunset Lake to another location, perhaps in cooperation with the SLHA <br />and the DNR. If this course of action is not feasible. staff recommends <br />improvement to the existing boat launch to insure the safe launch of <br />boats, as well as the addition of off-street parking. <br />