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City Council meeting of November ib, 1992 <br />Page <br />After a long discussion regarding different options available to resolve <br />this matter, the following motion was made: <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, directing staff to contact the DNF and <br />the Sunset Lake Homeowner's Association to investigate different options <br />in an attempt to resolve the Association's concerns. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FIFE CHIEF ANNUAL REPORT FORM <br />The Council reviewed a proposed annual report form to aid in communication <br />between the Fire Department and the City Council. The standardized format <br />will insure both the consistent flow of information to the Council and aid <br />in maintaining an appropriate data base. <br />Miron made motion, LerouX seconded, to approve the concept of the annual <br />report form for the Fire Dept. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FIRE DEFT APPOINTMENT <br />The City received a recommendation from the Hugo Fire Chief to appoint Fon <br />Istvanovich, Jr., as a fire fighter on the Hugo Fire Dept. Because of <br />Jr.'s relationship to the Fire Chief, and other members of his family on <br />the department, there was a long discussion regarding "nepotism" and what, <br />if any, impact his appointment would have on the department. It was <br />agreed to that the City should be developing a policy addressing this <br />issue and other situations that are "current" in today's society, that <br />could become an issue in the future. <br />Miron made motion, LerouX seconded, to table the recommendation to appoint <br />Fon Istvanovich, Jr., to the Hugo Fire Department until reviewed by the <br />members of the FD, and their recommendation be available for the City <br />Council meeting of December 21, 1992. <br />Council member Barnes stated that she would be voting against the motion <br />because it was her opinion that the Council was "skirting" the issue, and <br />it was for the Council to decide, not the Fire Dept. She also felt that <br />consideration should be given to Ron Jr's one -•year commitment to the <br />Department, already completed. <br />VOTING AYE: Brunotte, Lerou:;, Miron <br />VOTING NAY: Barnes, Stoltzman <br />Motion Carried. <br />The City received a recommendation from the Hugo Fire Chief to keep Pumper <br />#4133 to use for grass and brush fires. The pumper- could be stored in <br />Wyoming, MN., for no charge. The Council felt that the City should <br />consider future costs to maintain that vehicle, and wanted to wait until <br />Spring to make a decision. <br />