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GA Approve Variance Request of April Barnhart for Side Yard Setback located at 5368 <br />145th Street North <br />April Barnhart is requesting a variance to allow a three foot side yard setback, where City <br />ordinance requires a ten foot side yard setback, to expand a finished porch on her home. At its <br />June 9, 2016 meeting, the Board of Zoning Appeals and Adjustment considered the request and <br />held a public hearing. Staff provided background on the request and recommended approval. <br />There was no one that spoke during the public hearing. The Board agreed that the request met <br />the criteria necessary to approve the variance and recommends Council approve the resolution <br />approving the variance request. <br />G.5 Approve Final Pay Request to Pember Companies for 129th Street Bridge Project <br />The City of Hugo has received the Final Pay Request No.5 from Pember Companies, Inc for the <br />129th Street Bridge Improvements. City Engineer Jay Kennedy and Senior Engineering <br />Technician Steve Duff has reviewed the final pay request, and found it to be satisfactory for <br />work completed on this project. Staff recommends Council approve the Final Pay Request No.. <br />to Pember Companies, Inc in the amount of $49,829.34 for work completed to date on the 129th <br />Street Bridge Improvements. <br />G.6 Approve CUP Renewal for Thommes and Thomas Land Clearing <br />Tom and Joanne Benick are requesting approval of a renewal of a conditional use permit (CUP) <br />on property generally located south of 165th Street, west of Forest Boulevard. The CUP allows <br />for the processing and storage of firewood, recycling of tree waste, and wood chipping and, the <br />operation of a mobile air curtain furnace. The permit is to be renewed every two years. On June <br />15, 2016, staff inspected the property and found it to be in compliance with the approved CUP <br />conditions. It's in staff's opinion that the applicant meets the conditions listed in the CUP. Staff <br />recommends approval of the renewal of the CUP for Thommes and Thomas Land Clearing. <br />K.1 Yellow Ribbon Network Update <br />Council Member Chuck Haas and Phil Klein will report to Council on recent activities of the <br />City of Hugo's Yellow Ribbon Network activities. <br />L.1 CIP Workshop on Monday, June 27, 2016 <br />A workshop has been scheduled for Monday, June 27, 2016 at 7 p.m. to discuss the CIP for City <br />streets. The workshop will be held at Hugo City Hall. <br />