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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for June 6, 2016 <br /> Page 4 of 6 <br /> Council approved the PUD amendment and preliminary plat for Victor Gardens North Village 7th <br /> Addition at its May 16, 2016, meeting. The final plat will plat all 33 townhome lots from the <br /> Victor Gardens North Village 7th Addition preliminary plat. There were no changes to the lots <br /> from the preliminary plat. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2016-14 <br /> APPROVING FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR VICTOR <br /> GARDENS NORTH VILLAGE 7TH ADDITION ON PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF <br /> ROSEMARY WAY AND EAST OF ELMCREST AVENUE NORTH, subject to the City <br /> Attorney's review and approval. <br /> Approve Separation of Employment for Zaheer Khan from the Hugo Fire Department <br /> Fire Chief Kevin Colvard had received an email from Zaheer Khan about his resignation from <br /> the Hugo Fire Department for personal reasons. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br /> separation of employment of Zaheer Khan from the Hugo Fire Department. <br /> Update on Six Cities Meeting on May 26, 2016 <br /> City Administrator Bryan Bear provided an update on the Six Cities meeting that was held on <br /> Thursday, May 26, 2016 at 7 p.m. at Lino Lakes City Hall. The purpose of the meeting was to <br /> discuss the Met Council's Joint Water Utility Feasibility Study that was completed in December, <br /> 2015. This study reviewed the potential to combine the municipal water systems of six cities: <br /> Centerville, Circle Pines, Columbus, Hugo, Lexington, and Lino Lakes. At the meeting, the Met <br /> Council presented information on the benefits that could be realized by combining the water <br /> systems of all six cities. There was discussion among attendees regarding cities not having <br /> control over their individual water systems, and there seemed to be little desire to move forward. <br /> The Council discussed the merits of the plan and agreed there was a disconnect of all cities. The <br /> study provided good information to be considered when the updating of the Comprehensive Plan <br /> and planning future development. It was also noted that saving surface water was not considered <br /> in the feasibility study, and things had changed since the ideas first came about. It was important <br /> to have the study done and unfortunate all cities could not work together. <br /> Bryan stated he would like to continue discussions with staff and the City of Lino Lakes, who <br /> have the opportunity to combine systems with Hugo through future development. <br /> No formal action was taken. <br /> Update on Beautification Subcommittee <br /> Community Development Assistant Rachel Leitz provided background information on the <br /> Beautification Subcommittee that was formed last year with a representative from each <br /> commission. The group had been working on a variety of projects with the goal to beautify the <br /> City. Projects included improvements to the monument sign in Victor Gardens and banners to <br /> replace the ones on CSAH 8, which include a modernized logo. Future discussions will include <br /> downtown gateway elements, entry monuments, beautification of the TH61 corridor, and <br /> landscape elements in the TH61/170th Street roundabout. <br />