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G.6 Approve Pay Request No. 1 to Arnt Construction for 147th St./Oneka Lake <br />Improvement Prolect <br />The City of Hugo has received Pay Request No. 1 from Amt Construction for the 147' Street <br />/Oneka Lake Boulevard street reconstruction project. City Engineer Jay Kennedy and Senior <br />Engineering Technician Steve Duff have reviewed the pay request and found it to be satisfactory <br />for work completed to date on this project. Staff recommends Council approve Pay Request No. <br />1 to Amt Construction in the amount of $112,578.59 for work completed to date on the 147th <br />Street Oneka Lake Boulevard street reconstruction project. <br />G.7 Approve Resolution to Remove Interest on Assessment for Dee Davis <br />At its October 3, 2011 meeting, Council approve a resolution to defer the special assessment on <br />property owned by Dee Davis, which located in the southwest corner of Hugo, west of Everton <br />Avenue. This is a vacant lot and eligible for deferment. Davis has requested the City remove the <br />accrued interest to date on the assessment and that the property not be subject to further interest. <br />Staff has prepared a resolution amending this provision on the deferred assessment with all other <br />provisions remaining the same. Staff recommends Council approve the amended resolution on <br />the deferral of the special assessment on the Dee Davis property. <br />H.1 Renewal of Mining Permit for Dean Atkinson <br />A public hearing has been scheduled to consider the renewal of the Atkinson Mining Permit for <br />mining and excavation on their property located on the south side of 147th Street between Irish <br />and Hyde Avenue. For the past several years, the site has been used to stockpile material, with <br />no mining activity taking place. In 2012, the Council allowed the Atkinsons to move forward <br />with the Mining Permit renewal process without all the conditions being met until the time <br />mining operations begin again. The conditions not being met are the requirement to biannually <br />provide a topographic map of the site, calculation of stockpiled material, amount of granular <br />material left onsite to be mined, and a reclamation plan. The permit is required to be renewed <br />every two years. Staff recommends Council hold the public hearing and approve the renewal of <br />the Atkinson Mining Permit. <br />K.1 Yellow Ribbon Network Report <br />Council Member Chuck Haas and Council Member Phil Klein will report to Council on the Yellow <br />Ribbon Network activities held recently. <br />M.1 National Night Out on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 <br />The National Night Out is scheduled for Tuesday, August 2, 2016. The Hugo Business <br />Association will not be holding Community Night Out at Lions Park, as they have done in past <br />years. The Council is invited to ride along with the Fire Department to various neighborhood <br />events and should meet at the Fire Hall at 6:30 p.m. Staff has posted this as a meeting of the <br />Council in anticipation of Council's participation. <br />M.2 Town Hall Meeting on Thursday, August 4, 2016 <br />Congressman Tom Emmer will be holding a town hall meeting on Thursday, August 4, 2016 at <br />6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Staff has posted this as a meeting of the Council in <br />